Adventures of Johnny Tundra, Cold-Weather Engineer: 'Case of the Uncontrollable Pump'

Aug. 26, 2017
At the Montana state capitol, a new VFD is MIA—until, that is, an APB to a certain PE makes everything A-OK.


Illustration by Ashley Ribblett
Hpac 3601 Jt11 Panel2 Color 0

Adventures of Johnny Tundra, Cold-Weather Engineer: 'The Jackhammers Are Coming!'

July 26, 2017
At Stony End Home for the Aged, a new air-handling unit won’t heat. All Facilities Manager Thatcher “Thatch” McGowan can figure is there is a leak in the cast-in-concrete ductwork...
Illustration by Ashley Ribblett
Hpac 3699 Jt10 Panel4 Color 2 0

Adventures of Johnny Tundra, Cold-Weather Engineer: 'Sewer Problems in the Attic'

May 25, 2017
At Fish & Wildlife Region 9 headquarters, the toilets are backing up and Facility Manager Virgil “Eggshell” Coggeshell’s patience is circling the drain. Johnny floats the idea...
Illustration by Ashley Ribblett
Hpac 3802 Jt9 Panel1 Color 1

Adventures of Johnny Tundra, Cold-Weather Engineer: 'Compounding the Problem'

Jan. 26, 2017
The steam sterilizer at Stony End Home for the Aged is water-logged. If it shuts down, clinic operations will come to a screeching halt, with the next-closest medical facility...
Illustration by Ashley Ribblett

Adventures of Johnny Tundra, Cold-Weather Engineer: 'Plugging a Government Leak'

July 20, 2016
There is a leak at the highest reaches of the Montana state government—the kind not associated with a loose-lipped staffer, but, rather, a safety relief valve on a 40-year-old...