Honeywell, Parker-Sporlan Team Up to Drive Solstice N41 Refrigerant for A/C Applications
Honeywell announced a partnership with Parker Hannifin-Sporlan Division, a global manufacturer of HVACR controls and components, as momentum builds in the commercialization of Solstice N41 (R-466A), a nonflammable and lower global-warming-potential (GWP) refrigerant designed to replace R-410A in stationary air-conditioning systems.
“We’ve completed material selection and extensive testing to optimize components for Solstice N41 applications in our evaluation of this refrigerant,” said Dustin Searcy, marketing manager, Sporlan Division. “These components have been found to optimize efficiency, capacity and reliability of the HVAC system with Solstice N41. The benefits of Solstice N41 make it an attractive option for R-410A replacement.”
Once commercially available in late 2019, Solstice N41 will be the first A1 nonflammable, lower GWP R-410A replacement offered for stationary air-conditioning systems. All other reduced-GWP alternatives proposed to date as R-410A replacements are flammable, potentially increasing risk to homeowners and contractors. Solstice N41 also offers a GWP that is 65 percent lower than R-410A.
“Solstice N41 has undergone rigorous testing to ensure it can meet industry challenges and be compliant with regulations as a safe, energy-efficient and environmentally preferable alternative to R-410A,” said Chris LaPietra, vice president and general manager, Honeywell Stationary Refrigerants. “Our partnership with Parker demonstrates component readiness with this refrigerant as we transition later this year.”
Solstice N41 significantly reduces the need for additional design and eliminates the need to incorporate any sensors typically required for minimizing flammability risk. Early results also indicate it will eliminate the need for specialized contractor training for flammability mitigation — a big advantage for the industry as it struggles to recruit and retain certified contractors.