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EGB, July 21, 2010

July 22, 2010
Reinventing the Wheel...DOE Style

EGB Features
Reinventing the Wheel ... DOE Style
By Stephen R. Yurek; Air Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute; Arlington, Va.
Take all the things you’ve heard about government—how it is slow to act, inept, not thorough, etc.—and throw it out the window. Yes, there are parts of government, at all levels, that have one or more of those attributes, but there is one department of the federal government that is determined to show the nation it means business when it comes to enforcing federal energy-efficiency regulations. [More]
EGB News
DOE Awards $92 Million for Energy Research
U.S. Secretary of Energy Steven Chu has announced 43 research projects that aim to improve how the United States uses and produces energy. Funded with $92 million from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act through the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE’s) Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E), project selections focus on accelerating innovation in green technology while increasing U.S. competitiveness in grid scale energy storage, power electronics, and building efficiency. [More]
Smart Grid Summit to be Held in Washington, D.C.
The Alliance to Save Energy’s Policy Summit, “From Power Plant to Plug & Beyond: Energy Efficiency Opportunities Across the Smart Grid,” will be held in Washington, D.C., on Sept. 14. A free event, the summit will be a discussion on the role energy efficiency should play in creating a smart grid that reaches all end-use sectors. [More]
DOE to Implement Cool Roofs
U.S. Secretary of Energy Steven Chu has announced a series of initiatives under way at the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) to more broadly implement cool-roof technologies for DOE facilities and buildings across the federal government. Cool roofs use lighter-colored roofing surfaces or special coatings to reflect more of the sun's heat, helping improve building efficiency by reducing cooling costs and offsetting carbon emissions. [More]
Early Registration Open for ASHRAE’s Online Courses
Early registration is open for the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) Learning Institute’s (ALI’s) fall online seminars. Registrants learn online via instructor-led courses in real time on topics such as high-performance buildings, commissioning, and indoor-air quality. [More]

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July 21, 2010
EGB 2010 PREPARES YOU FOR GREEN CONSTRUCTION GROWTH! EGB 2010 can help you take maximum advantage of the construction market’s recovery, which is being fueled by explosive growth in green-building construction.
  • EGB 2010 is the only green-design event focused exclusively on green engineering applications as they apply to designing, specifying, and maintaining mechanical systems for non-residential buildings.

  • EGB 2010 will focus on best practices for designing green mechanical systems applicable for projects involving government, education, health-care, and other facilities.

  • The EGB Conference provides the education you need to design greener, more energy-efficient mechanical systems. Sit in on sessions covering the Smart Grid, commissioning for schools, and building energy rating systems with green gurus, such as Ron Wilkinson, Peter D’Antonio, and others.

  • As a component of HVACR Week, EGB 2010 provides access to additional networking and educational opportunities. The HVACR Week Exhibit Floor will feature hundreds of top manufacturers and industry suppliers showing off their latest products and services. You can walk the aisle AT NO CHARGE!

EGB 2010 is critically important to your future success. For complete details, including session topics and presenters, visit Being on our attendee list gets you all of the upcoming promotional materials with information on conference sessions, sponsors, special show events, and more! To register, visit For additional registration information, including that on group discounts, contact Marge Dietrich at 216-931-9550 or [email protected]