EGB Features |
Sustaining Energy Efficiency |
Although HVAC typically represents 40 percent of a commercial building's total energy use, energy efficiency historically has taken a back seat to occupant comfort in commercial-building HVAC design. With energy prices on the rise and commercial-building owners searching for ways to be more competitive, satisfy corporate social-responsibility objectives, and meet new government mandates, however, energy efficiency is becoming a greater and greater priority. [More] |
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EGB News |
USGBC Releases Guidance for Multiple-Building LEED Certification |
New guidance to help project teams get multiple projects at one site or campus certified under the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Green Building Rating System is available. The "2010 Application Guide for Multiple Buildings and On-Campus Building Projects" was created to provide guidance when applying LEED rating systems to multiple-building and on-campus projects that are on a shared site under the control of a single entity, such as a commercial or educational campus or government installation. [More] |
USGBC Testifies on Capitol Hill |
Sellen Sustainability, a U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) member company, recently testified before Congress on the USGBC's behalf regarding the local business and community impacts of the federal government's investment in high-performance green buildings and other infrastructure. [More] |
ASHRAE’s BEAP Recognizes Auditing and Analyzing Abilities |
With the growing emphasis on energy-consumption reduction and cost savings, there is a recognized need for credible information to help in the assessment and modeling of building energy use. A new certification program from the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineering (ASHRAE) will help fill that need, recognizing individuals’ ability to audit and analyze residential, commercial, and industrial buildings. [More] |
USGBC Opens Board Meeting to Membership |
Each year, the U.S. Green Building Council Board of Directors invites members to attend a portion of the annual board meeting held in conjunction with Greenbuild. Any interested member may attend the meeting between 1 and 3:30 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 15, at the Art Institute of Chicago. [More] |
The A3G800 Axial Fan – Economic and Ecological Performance |
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