Interactive product guide
Anvil released the Interactive Product Guide on CD. The guide includes a product overview with accompanying video, as well as a Gruvlok catalog, submittal sheets, technical data, CAD drawings, Fire-Rite training, a pipe-fitters handbook, a pipe-fittings catalog, and information on design services.
— Anvil International Inc.
Circle 40
Portable systems for rent
Carrier Rental Systems describes its services as a provider of temporary portable temperature-control and power-generation systems in a catalog. Listed are the various types of portable equipment available for rent. Systems are available for planned projects or emergency response.
— Carrier Rental Systems
Circle 41
Textile-duct-liner brochure
In a brochure, CertainTeed describes ToughGard2 Textile Duct Liner, its new product with higher R-values and improved acoustical values. Produced in a uniform thickness, width, and density, ToughGard2 has a moisture-resistant air-stream surface and an EPA-registered antimicrobial agent.
— CertainTeed Corp.
Circle 42
Oil-free compressors
Danfoss has published a brochure describing the Turbocor family of oil-free compressors. Magnetic-bearing technology, variable-speed centrifugal compression, and digital electronic technologies are the key features of this family and are detailed throughout the brochure.
— Danfoss Turbocor Compressors Inc.Circle 43
Acoustical wall/ceiling products
Illbruck has released brochures showcasing acoustical wall and ceiling products. The wall-panel brochure features Fabritec wall panels, Sonex panels and baffles, and Prospec barriers. A brochure on ceiling tiles describes Contour, Squareline Metal, and Harmoni ceiling tiles.
— illbruck Architectural Products
Circle 44
Steam-trap catalog
A new catalog from Nicholson Steam Trap showcases the company's line of steam traps and steam specialty products, which range from highly polished stainless-steel sanitary traps and filters to free-float F&T traps. For each product line, the catalog includes pictures and a specification list.
— Nicholson Steam Trap
Circle 45
Intelligent building software
Richards-Zeta has published a brochure that describes the merging of perfectHOST, its graphical engineering and programming software, with The Mediator, its multiprotocol exchange platform. This interoperable platform supports dozens of third-party protocol interfaces.
— Richards-Zeta
Circle 46
Conservation plumbing systems
“How Green Is Your School's Plumbing” is the title of a new brochure from Sloan Valve. The brochure explains how schools can conserve water and reduce operating costs. Sloan highlights its line of water-conservation plumbing systems, such as sensor faucets, Flushometers, and urinals.
— Sloan Valve
Circle 47