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Fastrack - May 11, 2011

May 16, 2011
Design Firms Bringing Back Bonuses, Raises, Incentives
May 11, 2011
Destratifying Heat With Large-Diameter, Low-Speed Fans
By NINA WOLGELENTER, Big Ass Fan Co., Lexington, Ky.
Ceiling height, insulation values, the presence or absence of floor-to-ceiling windows—all affect the regulation of indoor temperatures. With the natural tendency of heat to rise, a heating system has to work overtime to maintain the temperature set point at the occupant/thermostat level. Blending stratified warm and cool air through the use of large-diameter, low-speed fans eliminates the draft associated with typical fan circulation to achieve a comfortably heated space. [MORE]
As Industry Outlook Brightens, Bonuses, Raises, Incentives Coming Back
New evidence points to a brightening mood among leaders of design firms, with bonuses, raises, and incentives poised to make a comeback. [MORE]

2010 BACnet Standard Published
A large assortment of new technologies for emerging applications is contained in the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers' (ASHRAE’s) updated BACnet standard. [MORE]
SMACNA Introduces Free Mobile 'App' for Estimating Air-Duct Leakage
The Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors’ National Association (SMACNA) has introduced a mobile “app” designed to allow contractors, engineers, architects, and designers to estimate the leakage of air from ductwork easily and accurately. [MORE]

John Galyen Named President of Danfoss North America
Danfoss, manufacturer of high-efficiency electronic and mechanical components and controls for air-conditioning, heating, refrigeration, and motion systems, announced that, effective May 4, John Galyen is president of Danfoss North America. [MORE]
Outdoor mechanical rooms AAON LL Series outdoor mechanical rooms allow a condensing unit, chiller, and pumping package to reside outside of a building, saving valuable interior building space. Featuring evaporatively cooled condensing; variable-capacity, oil-free magnetic-bearing compressors; variable-flow primary pumping; and load-matching modulation capabilities, these chilled-water systems far exceed the latest energy standards. Energy-efficiency ratios (EERs) as high as 17.5 and integrated part-load values (IPLVs) as low as 0.49 kw per ton are possible with complete systems, while EERs as high as 19.4 and IPLVs as low as 0.41 kw per ton are possible with compressors only. Walk-in service access is provided to the controls, compressors, and water system. [MORE]—AAON
Rooftop units Available in 3- to 25-ton sizes, Carrier WeatherMaster packaged rooftop units meet or exceed ENERGY STAR and Consortium for Energy Efficiency levels, which makes them energy-efficient and eligible for a variety of incentives. With single-point electrical and gas connections, certified and pre-engineered factory options, and field-installed accessories, they were designed for simplified installation. Most 3- to 10-ton models fit on Carrier roof curbs dating to the 1980s, which makes replacement easy and eliminates the need for curb adapters or the changing of utility connections. Factory- and field-stocked, WeatherMaster units are available in gas-heating/electric-cooling, electric-heating/electric-cooling, or packaged-heat-pump models. Units deliver seasonal energy-efficiency ratios (SEERs) as high as 15.8 and EERs as high as 13.0. [MORE]—Carrier Corp., a UTC company

Firetube boiler CBEX from Cleaver-Brooks is a completely integrated boiler, burner, control, and heat-recovery system. Every core component was designed and built to work together, resulting in the most efficient and lowest-emission firetube system ever built. Features include minimum excess air across the operating range, the ability to meet 5-ppm nitrogen-oxide-emissions requirements and 1-ppm carbon-monoxide-emissions requirements, and a footprint 15-percent smaller than that of traditional designs. [MORE]—Cleaver-Brooks

Thermal cameras FLIR's new E-Series thermal cameras can be used to scan for duct leaks, uneven condenser-unit patterns, blocked valves, electrical and mechanical overheating, air infiltration, plugged coils, server-room air distribution, refrigerant levels, clogged pipes, and more, facilitating the location and troubleshooting of potential problems. With industry-first Wi-Fi connectivity, the E-Series lets users link to iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch devices with FLIR Viewer, an application that makes importing, analyzing, and sharing images easy. [MORE]—FLIR Systems Inc.
Scroll chillers With capacities of 25 to 190 tons, the AGZ-D family of air-cooled scroll chillers is efficient, exceeding requirements of ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1, Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings, and quiet, with sound-pressure ratings as low as 60 dBA without attenuation. AGZ-D chillers are available in standard North American voltages, as well as 400/50 Hz and 380/60 Hz; utilize environmentally acceptable R-410A refrigerant; are easy to install and service; and work in many different environments. The Open Choices feature allows the chillers to work easily with building-automation systems using the LonTalk, BACnet, or Modbus open protocols. All dual-circuit models qualify for LEED Energy & Atmosphere Credit 4, Enhanced Refrigerant Management. [MORE]—McQuay International
Ceiling-mounted air conditioner Designed to protect servers and other heat-sensitive equipment, the compact, self-contained CM25 ceiling-mounted air conditioner provides 25,000 Btuh of cooling. Its high sensible-cooling capacity and SEER of 14 are made possible by an energy-saving, variable-speed inverter compressor and inverter fan motors. Additional green features include R-410A refrigerant and Restriction of Hazardous Substances compliance. A wall-mounted controller offering advanced communications, monitoring, and self-diagnosis capabilities comes standard. At just 20 in. in height, the CM25 fits in tight spaces. A built-in mounting bracket, flanges, and vibration isolators allow easy installation above a drop ceiling using standard, off-the-shelf hardware. [MORE]—MovinCool

Variable-refrigerant-flow system Samsung DVM Plus III enhances comfort while reducing energy consumption in commercial applications, utilizing variable-refrigerant-flow technology to allow more than 40 indoor units to be connected to up to three outdoor units ganged together. Multiple capacities and styles of indoor units are available to suit room size and load, as well as room usage. Outdoor units are powered by the Copeland Scroll Digital compressor. A wide range of controlling options, ranging from the simple to full building-management system, is available. [MORE]—Samsung DVM - System AC

Programmable logic controller Schneider Electric's Modicon M168 programmable logic controller is designed to help original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and end users improve performance, optimize costs, and speed time to market for HVACR machines. Using flexible architectures, customized design, and SoHVAC software, which allows single programming and commissioning, Modicon M168 offers solutions for small and medium chillers, rooftop units, refrigeration racks, and air-handling units. Modicon M168 and SoHVAC are part of Schneider Electric's MachineStruxure architecture, an automation solution that uses a single software suite and new equipment platforms to help OEMs design machines optimized for cost, energy efficiency, and performance. [MORE]—Schneider Electric
Duct Smoke Detectors NEMA 4-rated InnovairFlex duct smoke detectors operate in the most challenging conditions—airflow speeds from 100 to 4,000 fpm, temperatures from -4°F to 158°F, and humidity from 0 to 95 percent (non-condensing)—without the need for bulky enclosures. Their watertight, ultraviolet-resistant housing provides protection against falling dirt, rain, windblown dust, splashing, and hose-directed water. [MORE]—System Sensor
Mixing block Taco's LOFlo Mixing Block (LMB) works with the company's LoadMatch single-pipe system, along with active/passive chilled beams and a 100-percent dedicated outside-air system, to supply latent cooling. Together, these elements form the Taco LOFlo Mixing Block System, providing an injection-pumping system that is energy-efficient, lowers first costs, eliminates balancing problems, simplifies commissioning, reduces callbacks, and maximizes occupant comfort throughout a building. [MORE]—Taco Inc.

Narrow bypass package E7N is a two-contactor-style bypass with Hand/Off/Auto touchpad control, which allows motor operation from either the drive or across the line. This allows continued operation, even if the E7 drive is disabled by fault or intention. The E7N is a versatile narrow enclosure that meets the space requirements of end users and OEMs, yet has the flexibility to meet the varying requirements of specifying engineers and HVAC designers. [MORE]—Yaskawa America Inc.

Fan coils Zehnder Rittling Vertical Hi-Stack Fan Coils feature industry-leading sound quality, with most units below NC 35; ease of serviceability; and customizable features. Standard features include a single-screw, quick-connect slide-out fan deck; a flush, color-matched front panel and security fastener; and a dual-sloped drain pan. Other features include a high-static motor with the ability to maintain capacity at up to 0.6 in. external static pressure, an electronically-commutated-motor option, high-capacity coils, and tighter temperature and humidity control for greater comfort. [MORE]—Zehnder Rittling
MetraLoop seismic joint is 100% pre-tested. You know it will work. You know you meet code. Unlike multiple grooved components assembled on site from available parts, the Metraloop seismic joint is a pre-assembled, 100% pre-tested joint, ready to meet your specifications for movement. Installed in thousands of piping systems around the world, it comes in a variety of sizes, and in movements from as little as ±1-1/2-inches, plus custom designs to accommodate modest to extreme movement requirements. It is simple to install. One hanger, two connections. Done. Get the details at
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