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EGB Features
Reducing Operating Costs Through Energy RetrofitsBy LANCE ENGLISH, Southland Industries, Garden Grove, Calif. How do you develop a comprehensive plan for saving energy without spending a substantial amount of money just to learn what will work for your facility? It is not an easy task, but it can be done. A manufacturer in southern California recently was faced with a similar dilemma as it sought to reduce operating costs. This article examines the steps the manufacturer took to achieve operational excellence through a carefully orchestrated energy-audit and retrofit process. |
EGB News
Free Guide Details how to Measure Carbon Footprint“Carbon Footprint,” a free publication in the IFMA (International Facility Management Association) Foundation's "Sustainability ‘How-to’ Guide" series, provides a comprehensive approach to understanding greenhouse-gas-emission accounting, reporting, and minimization. |
Proposed Revisions to ASHRAE/IES Energy Standard for Existing Buildings Open for Public CommentPublic input concerning proposed changes to ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 100-2006, Energy Conservation in Existing Buildings, is being sought until June 18. |
Carrier Sustainability Symposium Series to Continue |
Deadline for HPAC Engineering Design Awards ExtendedThe deadline for entries for HPAC Engineering magazine's inaugural Design Awards, a program honoring innovative HVAC- and control-systems engineering in new and existing commercial, industrial, and institutional buildings, has been extended to Friday, June 1. |
Design Your Mechanical Systems Week Experience to Suit Your NeedsMechanical Systems Week 2012, a national seminar and product showcase devoted to HVACR, hydronics, and plumbing set to take place Sept. 19-21 in Schaumburg, Ill., offers registration options to fit any budget. |
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