Economic pressures, looming cap-and-trade legislation, and other economic drivers are forcing companies of all sizes toward efficiencies to improve the bottom line. Environmental Systems Inc. (ESI) has released an independently researched study to help executives responsible for financial and operational performance sort through sustainability information, understand trends, and visualize what is possible.
“Companies of all sizes and types are looking for ways to control operating costs, including energy, personnel, facility, and maintenance,” Paul Oswald, president of ESI, said. “The good news is that the benefits derived from reducing operating costs have a direct positive impact on creating a more sustainable business.”
Oswald discusses insights contained in the study from a dozen internationally recognized experts. The study covers reduced operating costs to improved productivity as it relates to building performance and security, energy efficiency, pending legislation, information technology, sustainability, innovation, and system integration.
“The difficulty for many businesses is a lack of understanding in how to get started on a path to reduce costs and improve sustainability,” Oswald said. “Making sense of it all and determining what is relevant to reducing costs are not easy tasks.”
This is demonstrated by results from a study conducted by Moskowitz Jacobs Inc. In interviews conducted with 450 chief executive officers, chief financial officers, and senior management, it was found that:
• 87 percent have room to improve on energy management.
• 74 percent do not have a handle on energy cost.
• 59 percent are not well-positioned in-house to control energy and improve operational efficiency.
• 49 percent are seeking ways to optimize energy usage.
The study can be found at