Screw chillers
A low-life-cycle-cost chiller, the Evergreen 23XRV with Foxfire compression technology and HFC-134a non-ozone-depleting refrigerant in series counterflow provides the highest efficiency as measured by Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute test standards. Full-and part-load efficiencies are 22 percent and 47 percent better, respectively, than current ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1, Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings, efficiency standards. Buildings utilizing the variable-speed water-cooled screw chillers in series counterflow could qualify for two Leadership in Energy and Environment Design points in the Energy & Atmosphere category. The chiller has low-voltage control circuits and a hermetically sealed compressor motor. Its password-protected service menu has built-in diagnostic capabilities, troubleshooting, and corrective-action recommendations for preset alarms.
— Carrier Corp.
Solar-powered flushometer
Said to be the world's first solar-powered, sensor-operated flushometer, the SOLIS flushometer uses light to charge a highly efficient capacitor, providing power even in rooms with occupancy-controlled lighting.
— Sloan Valve Co.
Air purifiers
Steril-Zone room air purifiers use a three-stage process to clean air in rooms of up to 1,000 sq ft. Ozone-free, the portable units eliminate bacteria, mold, and viruses. They are useful for offices, schools, and day-care and senior facilities.
— Steril-Aire Inc.
Custom-engineered fan
The Element fan is custom-engineered for large spaces, such as shopping malls, office buildings, churches, and recreational facilities. The fan uses a 10 airfoil and winglet design to move air quietly and efficiently.
— Big Ass Fans
Solar air conditioner
A solar-powered air conditioner, GreenCore 10200 operates as a hybrid unit, automatically switching from solar to battery power. The unit operates grid-free through energy captured from the sun. It is suitable for fixed installations or mobile installations for temporary or spot cooling.
— GreenCore
Designed to optimize zone/bridge flow and distribution-loop delta-T without sacrificing humidity control and comfort, the Technologic 5500 ZoneSav controller is suitable for use with chilled- or heating-water distribution systems. The controller is useful for two- or three-way control-valve applications.
— Bell & Gossett
Solar water-heating systems
Combining a storage tank with one or two collector panels, Solaraide passive solar water-heating systems operate without pumps or controllers, relying instead on convection to circulate heat-transfer fluid. The systems use a freeze-proof heat-transfer fluid to absorb and deliver heat energy even on cold and overcast days.
— Rheem
Variable-frequency drives
For powering medium-voltage motors from 500 to 4,500 hp, MVW-01 variable-frequency drives provide a comprehensive variable-speed control solution in critical high-volume pumping, mixing, and milling applications across a range of industries.
— WEG Electric Motors Corp.
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