Normal.dotm0012681529Penton Media, Inc123187712.00false18 pt18 pt00falsefalsefalseNormal.dotm0012681530Penton Media, Inc123187812.00false18 pt18 pt00falsefalsefalseNormal.dotm0012681530Penton Media, Inc123187812.00false18 pt18 pt00falsefalsefalseThe American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) is accepting nominations for the 2011 New Faces of Engineering recognition program, part of National Engineers Week. New Faces of Engineering strives to promote the accomplishments of young engineers. Engineers 30 years of age or younger as of Dec. 31 are eligible.
Nominees must have a degree in engineering from a recognized U.S. college or university, or from an equivalent international educational institution. Degrees in engineering technology, science, computer science, and similar disciplines do not qualify; a degree in computer engineering is acceptable.
Nominations are due Oct. 18.
New Faces of Engineering strives to promote the accomplishments of young engineers by highlighting their engineering contributions and the resulting impact on society. The campaign is designed to enhance and improve the image of engineering by:
• Putting faces to what has often been referred to as “the stealth profession.”
• Showing a group of young, diverse, and talented engineers, thereby portraying engineering as an exciting profession open to everyone.
• Providing stimulation and incentive for college engineering students to explore the variety of career options available to them with their engineering degrees as well as encouraging high-school students to study engineering in college.
• Helping engineering students understand they are part of a global profession.
The top ASHRAE New Face will be included in a full-page ad in USA Today with the New Faces from the other sponsoring organizations of National Engineers Week. Each photo will be captioned with the engineer’s name, name of the engineering society providing the nominee, employer, and a brief statement of that individual’s accomplishments as they relate to the public welfare.
To learn more or to nominate a young individual, visit ASHRAE's Website.