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EGB, February 16, 2011

Feb. 17, 2011
Benefits of a Whole-Building Design Approach
February 16, 2011
EGB Features
Benefits of a Whole-Building Design Approach
By James D. Qualk, LEED AP, BD+C; SSRCx; Nashville, Tenn.
Buildings are tremendously complex. Even the simplest facilities require a highly trained team of professionals for their design, construction, and, eventually, operation. Actually, it is amazing that many buildings are ever built, considering the necessary financing, land acquisition, code and jurisdictional requirements, extremely long time frames, budgets that seem like moving targets, design- and construction-team coordination, and numerous other roadblocks that occur along the way. [More]
EGB News
DOE to Help Develop High-Efficiency Commercial Air Conditioners
Energy Secretary Steven Chu has announced that the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is joining the private sector to support market-based efforts to develop and deploy next-generation high-efficiency air conditioners for commercial buildings. As part of a voluntary program, the DOE worked with members of the DOE Commercial Building Energy Alliances to develop new performance criteria for 10-ton-capacity rooftop units (RTUs). When built according to the requirements of the new specifications, the high-efficiency RTUs are expected to reduce energy use by as much as 50 to 60 percent more than current equipment. [More]
USGBC Announces Support for Better Buildings Initiative
The U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) announced its support for President Obama’s plan to help make U.S. commercial buildings more energy- and resource-efficient over the next decade. President Obama’s plan, called the Better Buildings Initiative, catalyzes private-sector investment through a series of incentives to upgrade offices, stores, schools and universities, hospitals, and other commercial and municipal buildings. [More]
DOE Announces Public Meetings on Energy Literacy
As part of an effort to improve energy education, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is seeking information to develop an energy-literacy framework. The goal of this initiative is to compile a set of national standards for energy literacy, which then can be used to improve understanding of energy, energy sources, generation, use, and conservation. [More]
Danfoss Announces 2011 EnVisioneer of the Year Competition
Danfoss, a manufacturer of high-efficiency electronic and mechanical components and controls for air-conditioning, heating, refrigeration, and motion systems, has announced its second annual EnVisioneer of the Year award competition. Launched at last year's International Air-Conditioning, Heating, Refrigerating (AHR) Expo, the competition recognizes U.S. end users, building owners, and original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) who have introduced a new product, opened a new facility, or invested in a building or system upgrade over the last 18 months using Danfoss products or solutions to realize significant energy and/or environmental savings. [More]
Fire Protection Engineering Hosts Free Webinar
Applying reliable smoke-detection systems in industrial applications has been a challenge because of varying environmental conditions. As the number of fire-detection products increases, the question of choice emerges. Selecting the most appropriate form of fire detection for the application and environment is the first step in reducing fire risk. With a host of detectors available and many claiming to be suitable for harsh and difficult environments, how can a consumer know which claims are true? Fire Protection Engineering will be hosting a Webinar, "Evolution of Fire Detection in Industrial Applications: A New Benchmark," on March 9 at 2 p.m. ET. The free Webinar will discuss the challenges of smoke detection in industrial applications and the evolution of air-sampling smoke detection as a technology for reliable early warning in harsh and dirty environments. Attendees can earn 0.1 continuing-education unit for participating in the entire Webinar. [More]
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