Walk-in Attendees Welcome at EGB Conference in Baltimore! |
Online registration for HPAC Engineering's seventh annual Engineering Green Buildings (EGB) Conference, part of HVACR Week 2010, has closed, but you are still welcome! Walk-in attendees will receive the same exciting benefits pre-registered attendees receive: Exceptional networking events, at which you can meet and learn from leading green-industry gurus, such as Ron Wilkinson, Peter D’Antonio, and Don Beaty.
EGB Conference sessions will cover timely topics, such as Smart Grid, commissioning, and building energy rating systems. Additionally, your walk-in EGB registration will provide access to all HVACR Week 2010 functions, including:
• Any conference session of your choice, including HVAC Comfortech and Commercial HVACR Symposium sessions.
• The HVACR Week Product Showcase, where the latest HVACR products and technologies are on full display.
• The opening keynote event featuring Mike Eruzione, captain of the "Miracle on Ice" 1980 U.S. Olympic hockey team.
• The Thursday Night Extravaganza.
• The welcome reception.
• And more!
It all starts next Wednesday, Sept. 22, at the Baltimore Convention Center!
Don't miss this opportunity to be part of the industry event of the year! Plan now to attend the EGB Conference and other HVACR Week events.
For more information, visit www.egbconference.com.
EGB Features |
A Manufacturer's View of Green Building |
Two of the most compelling arguments made to justify green building are long-term operational-performance savings and improved occupant health and productivity. Those goals, coupled with the relative newness of green-building concepts, have resulted in a process requiring multiple designs, specifications, and prices for just one project, a process product manufacturers and their representatives can find challenging. [More] |
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EGB News |
White House Releases Sustainability Performance Plans |
The White House recently released Federal Agency Strategic Sustainability Performance Plans, which will work to achieve the environmental, economic, and energy goals called for in the Executive Order on Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy and Economic Performance (Executive Order 13514) signed by President Obama on Oct. 5, 2009. This is the first time agencies have developed and submitted sustainability plans. [More] |
EPA Contestants 'Working off the Waste' |
Fourteen commercial buildings from across the United States—from a skyscraper in New York City to an elementary school in the mountains of Colorado—are going head-to-head to "work off the waste" in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA's) first-ever National Building Competition. [More] |
DOE Announces Technical Assistance Webinar Series |
The U.S. Department of Energy recently announced the Technical Assistance Program (TAP) will host a series of Webinars supporting projects funded via the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act under the State Energy Program (SEP) and Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program (EECBG). The Webinar series will address issues and challenges that state, local, and tribal energy practitioners may face when implementing projects. [More] |
2010 AIA/COTE Commissioning Symposium Set |
"Whole Building Commissioning: Verification by Design" is the theme of The American Institute of Architects (AIA) Committee on the Environment's (COTE's) 2010 Commissioning Symposium, which will be held Oct. 21 at AIA National Headquarters in Washington, D.C. [More] |
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Contact information: Megan Spencer, HPAC Engineering
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