One Firm's Journey to LEED Gold and Green Living
By Steve Melink
Company president recounts how he cleared the path for a new green headquarters, leading his corporation to a more sustainable way of living...[MORE]
Is the Tide Turning on Energy-Efficiency Strategy?
More than 30 representatives from the federal government, energy utilities, foreign embassies, and HVACR industry gathered in Washington, D.C., on April 4 to answer a recurring question, "Is the tide turning with regard to the future of energy and energy-efficiency strategy?"...[MORE]
ASHRAE and USGBC Co-sponsor Washington Fellowship
The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) and the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) are sponsoring a one-year fellowship in Washington, D.C. The participant will work in the federal government in a technical advisory role. Possible placement areas include Congress, the U.S. Department of Energy, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the General Services Administration, or the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy. The fellowship runs from September through August 2009, and a $50,000 stipend will be provided to the selected fellow. Candidates should be an ASHRAE or USGBC member and possess a doctoral or other terminal degree in engineering or another building-related scientific discipline. The deadline for applications is May 1...[MORE]
Automotive X Prize Purse Set at $10 Million
Beginning in September 2009, the Progressive Automotive X Prize will begin a cross-country stage race throughout the United States in which competing vehicles will be tested and showcased in real-world conditions. The Progressive Automotive X Prize is an international competition that challenges competitors to design, build, and bring to market a car that exceeds 100 miles per gallon, or its energy-equivalent fuel efficiency, while meeting market requirements for size, capability, affordability, and safety. To date, more than 60 teams from 10 countries have signed up to compete for the $10 million prize...[MORE]
DOE Selects 12 Solar America Cities to Receive up to $2.4 Million
As part of the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) Solar America Cities project, 12 cities across the United States will receive $200,000 each to integrate a variety of solar technologies, such as solar water heating, solar photovoltaic electric systems, and large-scale solar thermal electric systems, into their energy planning, zoning, and facilities. The 12 cities are Sacramento, San Jose, and Santa Rosa, Calif.; Denver; Orlando, Fla.; Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minn.; Philadelphia; Knoxville, Tenn.; Houston; San Antonio; Seattle; and Milwaukee...[MORE]
Energy Savings Drives Green Movement and Need for EGB Conference
HPAC Engineering research shows 80 percent of mechanical-systems designers/specifiers believe, "Green is here to stay," that green design is not a fad. Not surprisingly, it also shows that the most important factor impacting the green movement is saving energy...[MORE]
Clean-Energy-Trends Report
According to the report "Clean Energy Trends 2008," clean-energy markets are expanding rapidly and globally. Revenues in biofuels, wind power, solar photovoltaics, and fuel cells are up 40 percent from $55 billion in 2006 to $77.3 billion in 2007. These four sectors are projected to more than triple over the next decade, growing to $254.5 billion by 2017...[MORE]
HPAC Engineering Webinar Series: Lower Energy Costs With Rooftop Package Units
Wednesday, April 30, 2008 @ 2 p.m. EST / 11 a.m. PST
Sponsor: Lennox -
Once thought of as the "window shaker" of the commercial air-conditioner market, rooftop package units have evolved (or are created, depending on your point of view) and are making high-end chiller stalwarts sit up and take notice. Using the latest control technology, you can ensure that units are set up properly, meet a full range of comfort needs, and maintain their efficiency ratings for years.
In this free HPAC Engineering webinar, Mike West, PhD, PE, will demonstrate how to do "back-of-the-envelope" savings estimates on the fly and how to use a simple online calculator to calculate energy economics for upgrade proposals. He then will look at what is available in the commercial market. West will discuss what EnergyStar, EER, SEER, and IPLV mean in terms of energy-cost savings. He also will address sizing, evaporative condensers, option selection, value engineering, and procurement and installation specifications....[MORE]
Contact information: Jami Knoth, HPAC Engineering
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