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EGB, December 15, 2010

Dec. 17, 2010
Who Will Be Held Liable for Green Designs?
EGB News
GBCI Launches LEED Fellow Program
The Green Building Certification Institute (GBCI) has launched Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Fellow, a program that recognizes exceptional contributions to the green-building community and significant professional achievement within the growing community of LEED professionals. [More]
USGBC Announces Program to Help Streamline LEED Projects
The U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) has announced Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Automation, a program designed to streamline and create capacity for the LEED building-certification process. Created in collaboration with various technology companies, LEED Automation enables LEED Online, the online tool used to submit documentation and certify LEED projects, to interact with third-party technology platforms. [More]
40 Organizations Encourage Action to Fight Climate Change
Forty environmental and business organizations joined forces to urge governments to prioritize reducing greenhouse-gas emissions from the built environment and increase investment in this sector. As partners in a new international action network called the Global Leadership in Our Built Environment (GLOBE) Alliance, the organizations are working together to advocate sustainable building and infrastructure practices as a key strategy for combating climate change. [More]
National League of Cities Supports Green-Building-Policy Agenda
The National League of Cities (NLC) and its membership has endorsed a national green-building-policy agenda that calls on the federal government to support critical green-building efforts that are working to help cities save money, save energy, and create jobs. [More]
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December 15, 2010
EGB Features
Who Will Be Held Liable for Green Designs?
By Stephen J. Vamosi, PE; Intertech Design Services; Cincinnati, Ohio
During the early 1980s, solar power became popular in residential construction. Developers were promising "nice and cozy" solar-heated rooms in climates that experienced average winter solar days of 10 to 20 percent. Although they were spending large amounts of money, owners found their homes never reached indoor temperatures above 60¢ªF and quickly realized they had been misled about the efficiency of solar energy. Lawyers across the United States were quick to launch a series of lawsuits and fraud claims. [More]