Papers addressing advances in alternative technologies and net-zero buildings as well as HVACR fundamentals and commissioning are being sought for ASHRAE’s 2011 Annual Conference in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
The deadline for paper submissions is Sept. 17. The 2011 Annual Conference takes place June 25-29.
The Alternative Technologies track seeks papers on photovoltaic (PV), geothermal, wind-power, and variable-refrigerant-volume (VRV) systems as well as solar and other technologies and how these systems affect first and operating costs of a building. Papers describing the science behind emerging technologies incorporated into net-zero-energy-building (NZEB) design are sought.
The Net-Zero Buildings track seeks papers that examine NZEB design, the cost to achieve these buildings, existing NZEBs, and operational and maintenance issues and costs. Case studies illustrating how to achieve NZEB in designs are sought also.
The Engineering Tools track seeks papers that address the range of different energy-modeling and building-information-modeling tools available, their uses, and specific applications and integrated approaches. Papers from owner or architect perspectives or case studies that illustrate modeling techniques are requested.
Additionally, papers are sought for tracks on Commissioning, HVAC Systems, HVAC Fundamentals and Applications, Professional Skills, and Refrigeration.
Approved papers will be published in ASHRAE Transactions.
For more information, see ASHRAE’s Website.