HVAC drive belts
HVAC power belts are manufactured to exclusive “set constant plus” tolerances to ensure optimal fit and are engineered to offer superior performance in extreme heat. The belts’ heat-resistance and ability to minimize stretch and maintain grip allow for extended maintenance. —Optibelt
Auto-sensing motor starter
The ICM860 RapidStart motor-starting solution features patented circuitry with differential-voltage-sensing technology to engage and disengage a start capacitor with a high degree of precision. The auto-sensing motor-starter measures back EMF across the start winding and cuts the start capacitor out of the circuit with greater precision than devices that rely on preset defaults, require the installer to “dial-in” both the pick-up and drop-out voltage ranges on a potential relay, or deliver the full power of the start capacitor regardless of motor size. The ICM860 is rated for 1/12- to 5-hp applications. —ICM Controls
VFD shaft-voltage test kit
The AEGIS shaft-voltage test kit is designed to make measuring and documenting variable-frequency-drive- (VFD-) induced voltages easy. Motors controlled by VFDs are vulnerable to electrical bearing damage. Although specifiers may choose motors that are equipped with shaft-grounding rings, the shaft-voltage test kit may be used in retrofit applications while there still is time to head off damage and downtime. The kit includes a specially tipped probe and a portable oscilloscope. —Electro Static Technology
Motor-Mounting Systems
Motor-mounting products include automatic motor bases, adjustable rails, custom motor mountings, and transition bases to adapt NEMA “re-rated” motor-frame sizes to existing mountings, outlines, and designs. —Overly Hautz