Becoming a LEED AP
(Editor's note: The following was written recently in response to the November 2004 column “Becoming a LEED-Accredited Professional,” which remains one of the most popular articles on
I became a LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) AP (accredited professional) in 2005. Here's my take on the certification process: The way to pass the test is to memorize information; there are no prequalifications. I am not being critical, because you have to start somewhere, but I could memorize a brain-surgery technique from a manual, but not be qualified to do the surgery. The difference between two LEED APs could be that one is a secretary at a construction company and the other is a professional engineer doing design/specifications for high-rise commercial offices. Which would you want as the LEED AP for a project?
Al Tannous, LEED AP
Schneider Electric
Carrollton, Texas
Boiler Systems Engineering
(Editor's note: For an update on LEED credentialing, read this month's article "What's New With LEED Professional Credentials".)
All of the articles in the January 2010 edition of your Boiler Systems Engineering special section (“Evaluating Deaerator Operation” by Gary Wamsley, PE, CEM; “Boiler Turndown Revisited” by Larry Clark, LEED AP, and David Thornock, PE; and “Brushless Direct-Current Premix Gas Blowers” by Jodie McLay) were of great interest to me, even though I have been doing energy conservation and mechanical design since graduating in 1981. The details and information were well-organized and useful.
Michael A. Miller, PE
National Grid
Syracuse, N.Y.
Letters on HPAC Engineering editorial content and issues affecting the HVACR industry are welcome. Please address them to Scott Arnold, executive editor, at [email protected].