Water-heater brochure
A brochure from AERCO details the company’s line of SmartPlate water heaters. The brochure describes how the water heaters are designed to maximize system efficiency and packaged to simplify installation and maintenance. Full-color photographs and diagrams are included, and features and benefits are listed.
—AERCO International Inc.
Circle 50
Scroll-compressors booklet
A booklet from Bitzer describes the company’s Orbit 8 Series of scroll compressors developed for air-conditioning applications. The booklet elaborates on the compressors’ energy efficiency and part-load behavior, technical features, application limits, and performance data. Dimensional drawings are included.
Circle 51
Condensing-boilers booklet
A four-page booklet from Bryan Steam details the company’s Triple-Flex ultrahigh-efficiency condensing boilers. The booklet discusses the boilers’ operating/performance and quality-construction features. The booklet includes a chart that lists dimensions and specifications of four boiler models.
—Bryan Steam LLC
Circle 52
Dust-collection brochure
Camfil Farr has published a brochure on its line of industrial dust- and fume-collection systems. The brochure provides an overview of the company’s installed and portable dust-collection equipment, as well as accessories, filters, and industrial vacuums. Photos, features, and benefits of each product are provided.
—Camfil Farr Air Pollution Control
Circle 53
Commercial-buildings report
Danfoss’ “Industry Research & Report: High-Performance Buildings” is a third-party qualitative effort that explores the opinions and experiences of industry professionals regarding the design, construction, and operation of high-performance commercial buildings. Ten industry professionals were interviewed for the report.
Circle 54
Test-equipment sourcebook
Davis Instruments’ V76 sourcebook includes a selection of test, measurement, control, and calibration equipment from Fluke, Extech, Tektronix, GE Sensing, and others in a variety of configurations. The sourcebook’s 1,386 pages also contain information on technical resources and calibration services.
—Davis Instruments
Circle 55
Air-filter mobile application
A mobile smart-phone tool from Kimberly-Clark allows users to compare the energy costs and environmental impact of two similar HVAC systems using different filters by entering data into a form. The tool calculates the energy costs and annual carbon-dioxide emissions of each system, showing the impact of filter selection.
—Kimberly-Clark Filtration
Circle 56
Air-purification pamphlet
“Air Purification Solutions: Industrial Market and Product Guide for Odor, Air Quality and Corrosive Gas Filtration” describes MeadWestvaco’s equipment for applications such as pulp/paper mills, petroleum refineries, and wastewater-treatment facilities. Featured products include vapor-adsorber units and carbon-pellet systems.
—MeadWestvaco Specialty Chemicals
Circle 57