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August 22, 2012 |
Enhancing Air-Cooled-Chiller Performance With VFDsBy EDDIE RODRIGUEZ, Daikin McQuay, Minneapolis, Minn. Air-cooled chillers long have been the choice for system designers focused on simplicity and low cost. A system based on an air-cooled chiller usually is less expensive to install and easier to maintain than other types. These advantages, however, typically have come at the expense of efficiency. New technology enables manufacturers of air-cooled chillers to overcome this disadvantage by incorporating variable-frequency drives on a system’s compressors. |
ASHRAE Proposes First Standard on Commissioning ProcessASHRAE’s first standard focused on the commissioning process is open for public comment. |
Humidity is a Tough Measurement. Vaisala makes it easier. Humidity is a tough measurement, Vaisala makes it easier. Humidity measurement is called for in a wide variety of industrial applications and each application has a different set of requirements for humidity instruments. Download our FREE Humidity Measurement Toolkit for valuable utilities like a Calibration Book, Humidity Formulas, App Notes, FAQ's and more.
Carrier Launches Rooftop-Selection Mobile AppCarrier, provider of high-technology heating, air-conditioning, and refrigeration solutions and part of UTC Climate, Controls & Security, a unit of United Technologies Corp., recently introduced Carrier Rooftops, a free mobile application developed to aid the selection of light-commercial rooftop equipment. |
Great Energy Efficiency Day Set for Oct. 3The Alliance to Save Energy's Commission on National Energy Efficiency Policy will unveil a series of reports documenting the current state of energy efficiency in the United States, as well as local, state, national, and international best practices, as part of Great Energy Efficiency Day - Part II Oct. 3 from 8:30 a.m. to noon in Room G-50 of the Dirksen Senate Office Building in Washington, D.C. |
Momentum Building for Mechanical Systems Week 2012As Mechanical Systems Week 2012, a national seminar and product showcase devoted to HVACR, hydronics, and plumbing, draws near, conference sessions and speakers continue to be added, and exhibitors and sponsors continue to come aboard. |
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