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Fastrack - April 28, 2010

April 28, 2010
Improving Efficiency With Variable-Primary Flow

April 28, 2010


Improving Efficiency With Variable-Primary Flow
By JAMES J. NONNENMANN, PE, Stanley Consultants Inc., Muscatine, Iowa, and DANIEL J. FLYNN, PE, Lansing Board of Water & Light, Lansing, Mich.

In 2007, a partnership was formed by the city of Lansing, Mich.; the state of Michigan; Accident Fund Insurance Co. of America and its parent company, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan; developer and construction manager The Christman Co.; Lansing Economic Development Corp.; and Lansing Board of Water & Light (LBWL) to renovate the decommissioned Ottawa Street Power Station in Lansing into Accident Fund's new world headquarters. The partnership required LBWL to construct a separate plant to provide chilled water, which previously was supplied by equipment in the Ottawa Street Power Station's basement. [MORE]



Biden Announces Energy-Efficiency Effort

Vice President Joe Biden announced the selection of 25 communities for up to $452 million in American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) funding to "ramp up" energy-efficiency building retrofits. Under the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE’s) Retrofit Ramp-Up initiative, communities, governments, private-sector companies, and non-profit organizations will work together on pioneering and innovative programs for concentrated and broad-based retrofits of neighborhoods, towns, and, eventually, states. [MORE]

ASHRAE Lends Support to Federal Building Personnel Training Act

Recently introduced federal legislation could provide training for federal-building personnel in the areas of building operations-and-maintenance, energy-management, safety, and design functions. [MORE]


Energy Secretary Announces Millions for Solar- and Water-Power Technologies

U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Secretary Steven Chu announced that the DOE will invest more than $200 million over five years to expand and accelerate the development, commercialization, and use of solar- and water-power technologies throughout the United States. The funding underscores the Obama administration's commitment to foster a clean-energy sector that will create U.S. manufacturing jobs and a workforce with the required technical training to speed the implementation of cutting-edge technologies. The funds will help solar- and water-power industries overcome technical barriers, demonstrate new technologies, and provide support for clean-energy jobs for years to come. [MORE]

AHR Expo Launches Online Chat Feature

AHR Expo has launched two new communication tools designed to keep worldwide HVACR professionals updated on the latest show-related news. The two tools are Webchat, which can be found on the AHR Expo Website, and a Twitter account. [MORE]


Humidity, Human Comfort and Productivity Optimal humidity level in indoor air strongly contributes to human comfort. The key to successful humidification control starts with a reliable humidity measurement. Learn about proper placement, government guidelines, and capacitive measurement technology. Download the Vaisala Application Note.


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