SEPT. 12-15
GridWeek: Charting the Way Forward; Washington, D.C.; Clasma Events Inc.;
SEPT. 20
Healthcare Facilities Symposium & Expo, Chicago, JD Events LLC,
SEPT. 21-23
Produced and managed by HPAC Engineering, the Optimum Buildings Conference is dedicated to maximizing the performance of building mechanical and automation systems though superior design, product specification, operation, and maintenance. Part of HVACR Week, it is an opportunity to learn from cutting-edge practitioners, network with fellow buildings professionals, and discover the latest offerings from leading manufacturers and service providers. For details, visit
OCT. 5-7
WaterSmart Innovations Conference and Exposition, Las Vegas, Southern Nevada Water Authority,
NOV. 7-11
Basic Building Systems Commissioning, Philadelphia, National Environmental Balancing Bureau,
DEC. 5-8
Grid-Interop: Mastering Smart Grid Interoperability, Phoenix, Clasma Events Inc.,
DEC. 5-9
Ecobuild America; Washington, D.C.; AEC Science & Technology;
DEC. 5-9
National BIM Conference; Washington, D.C.; AEC Science & Technology;
DEC. 5-9
National Institute of Building Sciences Annual Meeting; Washington, D.C.; National Institute of Building Sciences;
JAN. 21-25, 2012
ASHRAE 2012 Winter Conference; Chicago; American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers;
Send news items to the attention of Scott Arnold, executive editor, HPAC Engineering, The Penton Media Building, 1300 E. Ninth St., Cleveland, OH 44114-1503; e-mail: [email protected]; fax: 913-514-6315. Electronic submissions are preferred.