Ron Conry, the inventor and founder of Turbocor Compressors, has launched a new company to develop new technologies and create solutions for energy generation and conservation.
The new company, Verdicorp, will focus on research and development and the creation of new products within the energy industry. Conry will continue to serve as a senior technology advisor to Danfoss Turbocor, the Tallahassee, Fla.-based manufacturer of commercial refrigerant compressors he founded in 1994.
In 1994, Conry assembled an international team to develop a centrifugal compressor that would be efficient, oil-free, lightweight, quiet, fully integrated, and cost-competitive as well as operate at high speed and without vibration.
Developed in Australia, Conry’s concept then was commercialized in Canada. Following the backing of a joint venture with Danfoss, the product that was subsequently developed achieved global recognition. There are more than 14,000 Turbocor compressors in operation worldwide.