FASTRACK Features |
Achieving Net Zero Requires Innovative Thinking By MARK S. LENTZ, PE, Lentz Engineering Associates, Sheboygan Falls, Wis. |
If a building owner has enough money for renewable-energy systems and the space to install them, any designer can achieve net-zero performance. Achieving net-zero performance economically, however, is a different matter. [MORE] |
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ASHRAE Seeking Public Comment on Standard 62.1 Addenda |
The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) is seeking public comment on three proposed addenda to ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010, Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality: [MORE] |
LonMark Accepting Nominations for 'Best of the Year' Awards |
LonMark International, a global membership organization dedicated to efficient and effective integration of open, multivendor control systems, is accepting submissions for its “Best of the Year” awards program. [MORE] |
Siemens Announces 2011 'Smartest Building in America' Contest Winners |
Providence St. Peter Hospital in Olympia, Wash., will receive $25,000 in products and services as grand-prize winner in Siemens Industry Inc.'s 2011 Smartest Building in America Challenge. [MORE] |
Armacell Launches YouTube Channel |
Armacell LLC has launched a channel on YouTube featuring a series of instructional videos related to its Armaflex brand of flexible, fiber-free mechanical insulation. [MORE] |
EcoFlex 90+ - a packaged modulating fan-powered economizer – may be the single design that combats all the challenges in the typical economizer. It opens the energy recovery up to practically any combustion appliance application. With the EcoFlex 90+ system the designer can now view the application as a complete "boiler plant" as the full load to work with, instead of one economizer per boiler. And the "boiler plant" can consist of a combination of boiler types such as forced draft boilers and atmospheric water heaters that utilize a single modulating demand-controlled economizer. The bottom line is: design flexibility, reduced emissions, improved boiler efficiency, high return on investment. To learn more about Modulating Fan-Powered Economizers vs. Traditional Economizers, go to Inc.
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