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EGB, June 15, 2011

June 22, 2011
Optimum Buildings Conference/HVACR Week 2011: Learning to 'Walk the Talk'
June 15, 2011
EGB Features
Learning to 'Walk the Talk'
By SCOTT ARNOLD, Executive Editor, [email protected]
In 2004, HPAC Engineering launched the Engineering Green Buildings Conference in its hometown of Cleveland. Among those in attendance was Steve Melink, PE, founder, owner, and president of Melink Corp. [More]

EGB News
DOE Technical Assistance Program June Webinar Schedule Released
Registration is open for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Technical Assistance Program's (TAP's) June Webinars: [More]
2011 Greening the Heartland Conference Set
The Cincinnati Regional Chapter of the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) will host the eighth annual Greening the Heartland conference June 22-24 at Duke Energy Convention Center in Cincinnati. [More]

ASHRAE Workshop Highlights Essentials of HVAC Design for High-Performing Buildings
"HVAC Design Essentials: Tools for High Performance Building Designers," an intensive three-day workshop, will be held Aug. 15-17 at American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) Headquarters in Atlanta. [More]
ASHRAE Provides Guidance on Green Buildings in eBook Format
The third and latest edition of “ASHRAE GreenGuide: The Design, Construction and Operation of Sustainable Buildings” is available in electronic-book (eBook) format for use on the Apple iPad. [More]
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