JULY 19 (ALSO AUG. 14, SEPT. 12, OCT. 18, NOV. 14)
Fundamentals of Steam Utilization, Houston, Spirax Sarco Inc., http://bit.ly/STM-100.
Steam System Design, Los Angeles, Spirax Sarco Inc., http://bit.ly/STM-200E.
JULY 25-28
NEBB Certified Building Systems Commissioning Seminar and Exams, Atlanta, National Environmental Balancing Bureau, http://bit.ly/NEBB_brochure.
Steam and Condensate Energy Savings, Los Angeles, Spirax Sarco Inc., http://bit.ly/STM_905.
AUG. 14 (ALSO SEPT. 19, OCT. 16, NOV. 13)
Fundamentals of Steam Utilization; Columbia, S.C.; Spirax Sarco Inc.; http://bit.ly/STM-100.
AUG. 15 (ALSO SEPT. 19, OCT. 17, NOV. 14)
Fundamentals of Steam Utilization, Chicago, Spirax Sarco Inc., http://bit.ly/STM-100.
AUG. 16
Steam System Design, Chicago, Spirax Sarco Inc., http://bit.ly/STM-200E.
AUG. 17-19
NEBB Technical Retro-Commissioning BETA Seminar and Exam, St. Louis, National Environmental Balancing Bureau, http://bit.ly/Retro_seminar.
SEPT. 11-12
Boiler Systems PLUS 1; Santa Fe Springs, Calif.; Cleaver-Brooks; http://bit.ly/Plus1_SantaFeSprings.
SEPT. 11-12
Boiler Systems PLUS 2 - The Next Level; Annapolis, Md.; Cleaver-Brooks; http://bit.ly/Plus2_AnnapolisMd.
SEPT. 11-12 (ALSO NOV. 6-7)
Empowering Steam Best Practices; Three Rivers, Mich.; Armstrong International and Cleaver-Brooks; http://bit.ly/Armstrong_U.
SEPT. 12
Steam Utilization in the Hospital Industry, Los Angeles, Spirax Sarco Inc., http://bit.ly/STM_904.
SEPT. 12 (ALSO NOV. 7, JAN. 16)
Fundamentals of Steam Utilization; Allentown, Pa.; Spirax Sarco Inc.; http://bit.ly/STM-100.
SEPT. 13 (ALSO NOV. 8)
Steam Traps and Condensate Pumps; Allentown, Pa.; Spirax Sarco Inc.; http://bit.ly/STM-201M.
SEPT. 19
TA Hydronic College: Investment and Energy Saving Opportunities in Variable Flow Systems, Seattle, Victaulic and Tour & Andersson, www.victaulicbalancingseminars.com or www.tahydroniccollege.com.
SEPT. 19 (ALSO NOV. 14)
Pressure and Temperature Control Systems; Allentown, Pa.; Spirax Sarco Inc.; http://bit.ly/STM-202M.
SEPT. 19-21
Mechanical Systems Week; Schaumburg, Ill.; Contracting Business, CONTRACTOR, and HPAC Engineering; www.mechanicalsystemsweek.com.
SEPT. 19-21 (ALSO OCT. 10-12, NOV. 7-9)
Consulting Engineer Seminar; Plano, Texas; Titus HVAC; http://bit.ly/Titus_U.