Pump Systems Matter (PSM) and the Hydraulic Institute (HI) are offering a one-day course designed to help pump users learn how to identify and reduce hidden operating and energy costs in their pumping systems and increase profitability. The course also will help pump users communicate with customers, distributors, and vendors more effectively by imparting the critical knowledge needed to present and discuss energy-savings opportunities.
The course, "Pumping System Optimization: Opportunities to Improve Life Cycle Performance," will help attendees gain a new awareness of the skills they will need to help improve efficiency in their pumping systems and reduce energy and operating costs. Attendees also will earn seven professional-development-hour credits (PDH) from the Hydraulic Institute after completing the course.
According to the U.S. Department of Energy pumping systems in the U.S. industrial sector account for almost 25 percent of all energy consumed by electric motors and more than 50 percent of the electricity in certain pump-intensive industries, such as municipal water and wastewater. A typical medium-sized plant spends more than $1.4 million each year on energy to run its pumping system. Better system design and optimized pumping systems could result in an average energy savings of 20 to 25 percent or more, about $350,000 per year.
The course will cover a number of optimization topics, including “Why Efficient Pumping Systems Are Important,” “Systems Optimization and Improvement Opportunities,” “Basic Pump Systems Interaction,” and “Screening Pumping Systems.” The day-long course will be taught by PSM-qualified instructors. Students will receive a participants guide and take part in group exercises during the program. They also will receive copies of “Optimizing Pumping: A Guide for Improved Energy Efficiency, Reliability and Profitability” and “Pump Systems Assessment Guide,” a resource document that identifies where to find other valuable tools online.
PSM and HI will host the course in five regional areas in 2010: Parsippany, N.J., on May 11; Chicago on May 18; Ft. Worth, Texas, on June 8; Wilmington, Del., on June 23; and Charleston, S.C., on Aug. 10. Classes are limited to 25 attendees.
HI and PSM also are offering the opportunity for interested companies, electric power utilities, energy-efficiency non-governmental organizations, and state energy offices to host the course in their service territory or present the course for their own group of employees/customers. PSM will provide a qualified instructor, course materials, marketing materials, training solutions, and other essential materials as needed.
Additional details and registration can be found online at www.pumpsystemsmatter.org.