The National Institute of Building Sciences Sustainable Buildings Industry Council (SBIC) is seeking entries for its 2012 Beyond Green High-Performance Building awards and the 2012 Greg Franta Memorial Award.
The Beyond Green awards recognize buildings, initiatives, and products exemplifying sustainability, accessibility, aesthetics, cost-effectiveness, functionality, productivity, historical sensitivity, and safety and security.
Beyond Green Award winners will present their projects at a special luncheon during Building Innovation 2013, the National Institute of Building Sciences’ annual conference and exposition, which will be held Jan. 7-10 in Washington, D.C. Additionally, winners will receive a plaque, recognition on the SBIC and Whole Building Design Guide Websites, and coverage in the National Institute of Building Sciences’ newsletter.
Established in memory of the former SBIC chairman and leader in the sustainable-building field, the Greg Franta Memorial Award recognizes a person or organization that has made “an outstanding contribution to high-performance, sustainable building design and construction.”
Beyond Green High-Performance Building and Greg Franta Memorial award submissions are due Nov. 2, 2012. For more information on the awards, including how to enter, click here.