LEED-NC white paper
A white paper from AERCO explains the benefits of owning a green building and what it means to have Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification. The paper also explains how the company's products support the LEED rating system.
Circle 50
Radiant-boiler pamphlet
A pamphlet from Babcock & Wilcox explains the features and benefits of radiant boilers for subcritical steam applications. Auxiliary components, such as pulverizers, burners, and boiler-cleaning equipment, are described. Photos and diagrams are included.
— Babcock & Wilcox Power Generation Group Inc.
Circle 51
Stimulus-package white paper
A white paper explaining the U.S. government's 2009 stimulus package and its impact on HVACR and plumbing projects is available from Bell & Gossett. The paper explains what projects must be done at the federal, state, and local levels to qualify for grants, loans, and tax incentives.
— Bell & Gossett
Circle 52
Energy-efficiency magazine
EnVisioneering Solutions, a magazine from Danfoss, focuses on the private sector's influence on energy efficiency. The magazine's feature article discusses how public policy may need to help the private sector advance energy efficiency during the economic recession.
— Danfoss
Circle 53
Duct-systems white paper
A white paper from EHG outlines LEED guidelines for new and existing buildings. The paper lists LEED Energy & Atmosphere (EA) prerequisites and the number of points available per building-improvement percentage through EA Credit 1, Optimize Energy Performance.
Circle 54
Belt drives and bearings guide
“Belt Drives & Bearings Reference Guide” from Emerson Climate Technologies contains a section on the preventive maintenance and installation of V-belt drives. Another section describes how to troubleshoot installation, selection, environmental, and design problems.
— Emerson Climate Technologies
Circle 55
Wireless-switches magazine
Perpetuum, a magazine from EnOcean, includes wireless-switch/sensor specifications and photos, as well as examples of how the products are used worldwide. The magazine also lists new employees, a buyer's guide, and the company's recent awards.
— EnOcean Alliance
Circle 56
Cold-water-solutions DVD
Available in DVD and print format, “Cold Water Solutions” discusses the causes of condensate formation on heat exchangers, as well as cold-water-start and run applications. The summary demonstrates a multiple-heater configuration using a single controller.
— Raypak
Circle 57