Greenheck Launches Company
Greenheck Fan Corp., the Schofield, Wis.-based manufacturer and supplier of air-movement and control equipment, recently announced the formation of Unison Comfort Technologies.
The primary focus of Unison Comfort Technologies will be the manufacture and sale of products and systems for the non-residential-equipment sector of the HVAC market. Additionally, the company will have a systems and services group that provides enhanced customer support.
According to President Jay Althof, Unison Comfort Technologies, headquartered in Minneapolis, will operate independently of Greenheck, with its own sales representatives and manufacturing operations.
“While owned by Greenheck, Unison Comfort Technologies is being formed to grow in market segments where Greenheck has had limited market presence,” Althof said. “Initially, we will focus on the U.S. market, but plan to expand internationally in the coming years.”
Unison Comfort Technologies will market three brands previously supported by Greenheck: Innovent custom air-handling systems, Valent value-added packaged rooftop units, and Precision heating and cooling coils. The company plans to add new products under each brand as well as new brands over time.
‘Pumps on Tour’ Under Way
Olathe, Kan.-based pump and pumping-system manufacturer Grundfos Pumps Corp.'s “Pumps on Tour” mobile educational center is in the midst of a 48-city, eight-month trek across the United States.
The 1,200-sq-ft vehicle includes a theater for viewing training videos and presentations and a series of interactive working displays of a wide selection of residential, commercial, and industrial pump solutions from Grundfos.
Following are upcoming tour stops: Atlantic City, N.J., April 28 and 29; West Concord, Mass., May 3; Lincoln, R.I., May 5; Lowell, Mass., May 7; Melville, N.Y., May 19; and Providence, R.I., May 25 and 26.
The tour began in March and will conclude in November. For more information on the tour and how to register for a visit, go to
Carrier Laboratory Dedicated
Geraud Darnis, president of Carrier Corp., the Farmington, Conn.-based provider of heating, air-conditioning, and refrigeration solutions, led a group of officials and dignitaries in a ribbon-cutting ceremony for the Willis H. Carrier Total Indoor Environmental Quality laboratory at the Syracuse Center of Excellence (SyracuseCoE) in Environmental and Energy Systems headquarters in Syracuse, N.Y.
In 2005, Carrier, a charter member of the SyracuseCoE, pledged $1.5 million for the creation of the 10,000-sq-ft laboratory named for the inventor of modern air conditioning and the founder of Carrier Corp. The laboratory is dedicated to research into the effects of multiple factors, including temperature, humidity, air quality, lighting, and sound, on human health and performance in building environments.
CITY MULTI Revit Objects Available for Download
Autodesk Revit objects for Mitsubishi Electric & Electronics USA Inc.'s CITY MULTI Variable Refrigerant Flow Zoning (VRFZ) systems are available for download. Go to, select “Other” under “Type of Resources,” select “CITY MULTI VRFZ Systems” under “Product Category,” and click “Submit.”
Online Career Center Launched
The Green Mechanical Council recently announced the launch of GreenMech Career Center (, an interactive job board focused on mechanical-industry companies and professionals.
Both Green Mechanical Council members and non-members can use the job board, with members receiving a discount on job postings. For job seekers, the service is free.
Employers can search for candidates based on specific criteria and create an online resume agent to contact qualified candidates via e-mail. Job seekers can view jobs based on their criteria and create a search agent to receive e-mail notifications.