Airborne-diseases document
ASHRAE has released a position document on the health consequences of exposure to airborne infectious diseases and the implications of this knowledge for the design, installation, and operation of HVAC systems.
— American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers
Circle 50
Energy-modeling white paper
A white paper from Cambridge Engineering summarizes an energy-modeling analysis that documented predicted energy performance for six types of gas-fired heating systems commonly used in warehouses and commercial/industrial buildings with large open spaces.
— Cambridge Engineering
Circle 51
Clean-air-solutions brochure
A brochure from Farr APC describes the environmental benefits of the company's heavy-duty clean-air solutions. The brochure also details the company's HemiPleat filters, which have filtration efficiencies exceeding 99.99 percent, with particles as small as 0.5 micron.
— Farr Air Pollution Control
Circle 52
Thermal-imaging pamphlet
A three-page, full-color pamphlet from Fluke explains how to use thermal imaging to save money by tuning up HVAC equipment. The pamphlet features energy-inspection checklists for steam, cooling, fan, lighting, and building-automation systems are included.
— Fluke
Circle 53
Motors brochure
A brochure from Greenheck details the company's line of Vari-Green electronically commutated motors. The brochure features a table that lists energy costs that can be saved by using the motors at various speeds. Product photos and speed-control options are included.
— Greenheck
Circle 54
Data-loggers white paper
A white paper from Onset, “Optimizing Solar Thermal Peformance With Data Loggers,” explains how engineers can use data loggers to measure solar-thermal-system performance, pinpoint defects and inefficiencies, and optimize performance for greater return on investment.
— Onset Computer Corp.
Circle 55
Laboratory-solutions booklet
A booklet from Siemens focuses on the company's solutions for laboratories, including data-management/information, building, room, and fume-hood control. Service solutions, such as technical and compliance support, facility information, and system performance, are detailed.
— Siemens Building Technologies Inc.
Circle 56
Leak-detection-products catalog
A full-color catalog from Spectronics details the company's line of Spectroline leak-detection products and diagnostic tools, which can pinpoint the sources of leaks in air-conditioning, refrigeration, and industrial-fluid systems. Features and benefits are listed.
— Spectronics Corp.
Circle 57