Keltech Inc.
729 S. Grove St.
Delton, MI 49046
Circle 67
An environmental-health and safety engineer for one of the world's largest manufacturers of specialty metals and chemicals, Jason Desler was looking for safety-shower and emergency-eyewash solutions for 13 metal-manufacturing facilities spread over 180 acres of desert, where ambient-temperature conditions range from sub-zero to well above tepid-water standards.
Working with Keltech engineers, Desler carefully evaluated the project requirements and challenges. Shower- and eyewash-fixture specifications were paired with a variety of Keltech CLE emergency-eyewash and SN safety-shower heaters. Standard options were added as needed to meet location and environmental particulars.
Keltech provided more than 116 safety-shower and emergency-eyewash heaters, fixtures, and integrated systems. Employees have access to a safety-shower system or emergency-eyewash station every 45 to 55 ft throughout the 13 facilities and surrounding environment.
Keltech's solution complied with Occupational Safety & Health Administration standards and exceeded American National Standards Institute requirements and other industry and company standards. The heaters rapidly heat water safely and provide an unlimited and continuous supply of tepid (80°F) water.
Some heaters were engineered with freeze-protection packages that allow them to perform in temperatures as low as -23°F. So that the heaters maintain the proper tepid-water range regardless of the ambient temperature, patented internal controls monitor conditions within the units and purge water exceeding tepid-water standards from the supply system.
The heaters are equipped with NEMA 4 enclosures, which keep airborne contaminants from internal components and protect units from corrosion and premature failure.
The heaters are projected to save Desler's employer more than $349,000 a year in energy costs alone.