Valves and actuators
A 188-page catalog from Asahi/America highlights the advantages of using thermoplastic valves and actuators in fluid-handling systems, including information on the products’ corrosion-resistance. The catalog features specifications for thermoplastic valves and pneumatic and electric actuators.
Downblast exhaust fans
A 52-page catalog from Greenheck describes the features of Model G and GB centrifugal roof downblast exhaust fans, which are now available with a direct-drive Vari-Green motor option. Performance data are grouped by model size. Included are specifications, detailed configurations, options, and accessories information.
Cooling for IT rooms
A new guide from MovinCool addresses the issue of how to keep information technology equipment such as server rooms and telecom closets cool when buildings are in heating mode. It describes the advantages of self-contained, ceiling-mounted air conditioners for cooling small spaces that have dense heat loads.
Buffer-tank sizing guide
An eight-page brochure from Raypak offers sizing guidelines and specifications for buffer tanks in commercial hydronic systems. The brochure explains how buffer tanks can eliminate short-cycling and other problems that may occur in closed systems designed with one or more low-water-volume loops.