JAN. 24-26 (ALSO MARCH 14-16)
Little Red Schoolhouse: Design and Application Seminar; Morton Grove, Ill.; Bell & Gossett; http://schoolhouse.itt.com/.
JAN. 29 TO FEB. 2
ASHRAE 2011 Winter Conference; Las Vegas; American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers; http://bit.ly/bCBmFg.
FEB. 7-9
Little Red Schoolhouse: Service and Maintenance Seminar; Morton Grove, Ill.; Bell & Gossett; http://schoolhouse.itt.com/.
FEB. 14-16
Little Red Schoolhouse: Modern Hydronics Basic Seminar; Morton Grove, Ill.; Bell & Gossett; http://schoolhouse.itt.com/.
FEB. 15
Free life-safety educational seminar; Burlington, Mass.; NOTIFIER by Honeywell; http://bit.ly/gf0o0W.
FEB. 16
Great Energy Efficiency Day 2011; Washington, D.C.; The Alliance to Save Energy; http://ase.org/event/2011GEED.
FEB. 17
Free life-safety educational seminar, New York, NOTIFIER by Honeywell, http://bit.ly/gf0o0W.
Little Red Schoolhouse: Modern Hydronics Advanced Seminar; Morton Grove, Ill.; Bell & Gossett; http://schoolhouse.itt.com/.
Free life-safety educational seminar; Norcross, Ga.; NOTIFIER by Honeywell; http://bit.ly/gf0o0W.
MARCH 8-10
Building Energy 11, Boston, Northeast Sustainable Energy Association, www.nesea.org/buildingenergy.
MARCH 8-11
WQA Aquatech USA 2011; San Antonio, Texas; Water Quality Association; http://wqa-aquatech.com.
MARCH 21-23
Little Red Schoolhouse: Steam System Design Seminar; Morton Grove, Ill.; Bell & Gossett; http://schoolhouse.itt.com/.