Innovations in the HVACR industry not only will be displayed on the show floor at the AHR Expo Jan. 25-27, they will be a topic at many of the nearly 50 free educational sessions being offered to engineers, contractors, wholesalers, and other HVACR professionals during the three-day event in Orlando, Fla.
The 2010 session program features a range of topics, allowing attendees to obtain a better understanding of the newest trends and technologies impacting the industry, while providing them with the opportunity to find practical solutions to various challenges. Industry experts will present each of the sessions being offered by the more than 20 organizations endorsing the show. Attendees are allowed to participate in as many presentations throughout the program as their schedules permit. Some of the sustainability-focused sessions include:
• “Energy Star—Your Customer's Path to Green, Sustainable Buildings” presented by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Energy Star program
• “The Great Debate: Target and Walmart on Saving Energy” presented by the Department of Energy Commercial Building Initiative
• “Electricity, Buildings, and HVAC: The Next Frontier for System Integration—Building Technology Integration with the Electric Grid will Drive Energy Savings and Environmental Benefit” presented by GridWise Architecture Council
• “Cost/Benefit Analysis Methodology and Tools Needed by Owners” presented by the American Society for Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers
• “IAQ Guidelines For Occupied Buildings Under Construction” presented by Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors' National Association
• “Powering the Smart Grid with the LonWorks Technology and RF Wireless Technology” presented by LonMark Americas
• “Introduction to Cloud Services for Buildings” presented by Ken Sinclair, editor/owner of This session will discuss the new focus of building cloud connections.
The education schedule is available at
Special programming presented by other industry experts also will be available at the show. Cost to attend these sessions varies and can be found on the show's Website. A few of the sessions include:
• “PM Live: Hydronic Design for Solar & Geothermal Heat Pump Systems” (two sessions), during which John Siegenthaler, hydronics editor of PM Magazine, will discuss the essentials of successful solar combisystem design and present several system templates.
• “LEED Half-Day Workshops,” during which the U.S. Green Building Council will provide practical knowledge on how to be an essential and knowledgeable part of a Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) team and how to manage a LEED project from the first client meeting to final certification.
• “Solar Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Workshop,” during which the International Energy Agency will present the basics of solar collector technology, open and closed cooling cycles and equipment, current systems experience, design guidelines, and the economics of solar cooling.