Makeup-air Heaters
Cambridge energy-efficient makeup-air heaters provide 100-percent direct-fired combustion efficiency. All Genuine Cambridge heaters include low-fire start technology and stainless-steel burners. VFD control reduces costs. Cooling options are available. Units of up to 75,000 cfm provide year-round ventilation and tempered makeup air.
— Cambridge Engineering Inc.
Circle 50
Rooftop-Ventilator Brochure
A new brochure details Greenheck's Model RV/RVE pre-engineered rooftop ventilation units, which are designed to condition and deliver mixtures of outdoor and return air to a building. The brochure includes standard and optional features, weight and dimensional data, and a quick-selection guide.
— Greenheck
Circle 51
Fire-and-Ceiling-Radiation-Damper Product Catalog
A new catalog provides a complete listing of Metal-Fab's fire and ceiling radiation dampers, for use when air-distribution ductwork penetrates fire-rated barriers. Metal-Fab's line of dampers includes gravity and dynamic models in a wide variety of sizes for specific requirements.
— Metal-Fab Inc.
Circle 52
Server-Leakage White Paper
“Ramification of Server Airflow Leakage in Data Centers With Aisle Containment” is a white paper identifying server leakage as a large potential source of bypass air in contained cold aisles. Tate studied 10 servers from five manufacturers. The white paper is available for download at
— Tate
Circle 53