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Fastrack - October 12, 2011

Oct. 13, 2011
Evaporative Pool Dehumidification
October 12, 2011
Evaporative Pool Dehumidification
By MARK S. LENTZ, PE, Lentz Engineering Associates Inc., Sheboygan Falls, Wis.
In 2003, the pool dehumidification unit serving the Ray & Marie Goldbach, Marathon Area Swim Center in Marathon, Wis., began experiencing operational problems. Those problems became severe in early 2004. By 2009, the Marathon Area Swim Association (MASA) concluded it needed to replace the system. The system MASA chose is a direct-fired, variable-volume, 100-percent-outdoor-air unit equipped with an indirect evaporative precooler used to provide sensible cooling and heating-season energy recovery. The system is installed on the roof of the building, where it is subject to winter design conditions of -25°F. This article compares the performance of the original and replacement systems. [MORE]

Construction-Market Forecast: General Economy Seeing Mixed Signs
FMI, provider of management consulting and investment banking to the engineering and construction industry, has released its third-quarter construction-market forecast. [MORE]
ASHRAE Introduces Thermal Guidelines for Liquid-Cooled Data-Processing Environments
A white paper the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) is calling the first vendor-neutral thermal guideline for liquid-cooled data-processing environments is available for free download. [MORE]
AHRI Logo Transition Under Way
Effective Jan. 1, 2012, all certification programs under the Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI) umbrella—ARI Performance, GAMA Efficiency Rated, and I=B=R—will be brought under one certification program and logo: AHRI Certified. [MORE]
Danfoss Names MultiStack EnVisioneer of the Year
MultiStack LLC, the Sparta, Wis.-based manufacturer of high-efficiency modular chillers for commercial, industrial, and government applications, is the winner in Danfoss' second annual EnVisioneer of the Year award competition. [MORE]

TRIPLE-FLEX™ ULTRA-HIGH EFFICIENCY BOILERS Bryan Triple-Flex™ (patent pending) Ultra-High Efficiency Condensing Boilers feature flexible stainless steel tubes, minimum thermal efficiency of 90% with 160° return, 180° supply at maximum input. Efficiencies of 99% are achievable with lower return water temperatures as found in new building designs. Triple-Flex fires at 3,000 MBH input, with sub 30 PPM NOx utilizing a hybrid metal fiber 5:1 turndown burner. Triple-Flex features UL environmental claims validation. Triple-Flex boilers are suited to deliver the industries highest operating efficiencies up to 99% in new buildings designed for condensing boiler conditions and better than 90% efficiency in retrofit applications not designed for condensing boilers. Click here for more info.--Bryan Steam LLC
BIM 3D CAD files for connectors, valves, joints and more Expansion joints, pump connectors, flow conditioning connectors, valves, compensators, pipe guides, air vents, metraloop expansion joints, v-loop expansion joints and so many more. BIM 3D CAD drawings in a different file types, for virtually every product. Create sophisticated engineered piping layouts. Be more competitive. Put BIM 3D CAD drawings into your designs. Go to and take a test drive.--The Metraflex CompanyEcoFlex90+ - 90% Boiler Efficiency without Boiler Replacement
EcoFlex 90+ - a packaged modulating fan-powered economizer – may be the single design that combats all the challenges in the typical economizer. It opens the energy recovery up to practically any combustion appliance application. With the EcoFlex 90+ system the designer can now view the application as a complete "boiler plant" as the full load to work with, instead of one economizer per boiler. And the "boiler plant" can consist of a combination of boiler types such as forced draft boilers and atmospheric water heaters that utilize a single modulating demand-controlled economizer. The bottom line is: design flexibility, reduced emissions, improved boiler efficiency, high return on investment. To learn more about Modulating Fan-Powered Economizers vs. Traditional Economizers, go to Inc.
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