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Fastrack, Nov. 24, 2009

Dec. 23, 2009
FASTRACK News Changes to Standard 90.1 to Lighten Energy Use Requirements to “lighten up” energy use and costs through fenestration, parking-lot lighting, and other measures are being recommended for ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2007, Energy ...
Changes to Standard 90.1 to Lighten Energy Use
Requirements to “lighten up” energy use and costs through fenestration, parking-lot lighting, and other measures are being recommended for ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2007, Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings. Currently, 15 proposed addenda to the standard are open for public review. [MORE]
AHR Expo Innovation Award Winners Announced
Nine companies offering a variety of new products have been selected as winners of the AHR Expo Innovation Award. The winners will be honored at a special ceremony during the AHR Expo in Orlando, Fla., on Tuesday, Jan. 26, at 1 p.m. in New Product Technology Theater A on the show floor. Additionally, one of these nine category winners will be selected as the overall winner of the 2010 AHR Expo Product of the Year Award at the show. [MORE]
Johnson Controls Supplies Chillers to Navy Assault Ship
The new U.S. Navy amphibious assault ship USS New York has ties to the World Trade Center destroyed in the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks as well as the HVAC industry. The ship’s bow is forged in part from 7.5 tons of steel recovered from the World Trade Center’s demolished twin towers—buildings that had been cooled by York chillers from 1970 until the day of the attacks. Now the USS New York is outfitted with seven York chillers manufactured by Johnson Controls and supplied by the company’s York Navy Systems business headquartered in York, Pa. [MORE]
Building Codes Assistant Project Launches Social-Networking Site
Social networking meets energy-efficiency advocacy in an interactive Web resource launched by the Building Codes Assistant Project (BCAP), which works to reduce energy consumption in U.S. buildings through improved building codes. The Online Code Environment and Advocacy Network (OCEAN) is designed to facilitate sharing of experiences, best practices, educational resources, and key facts relating to building-energy-code adoption, implementation, compliance, and enforcement. OCEAN also allows stakeholders to discuss and learn about code issues, connect to trainers and educators, and find policies and existing programs that can serve as models. [MORE]
November 24, 2009
Building Information Modeling
By ROBERT E. MIDDLEBROOKS, AIA, Autodesk Inc., Waltham, Mass., and LORISA L. BEHRENS, LEED AP, Smith Seckman Reid Inc.
Contrary to popular belief, automobiles and other forms of transportation are not the root of the energy crisis; buildings are. According to the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy,1 buildings account for 72 percent of U.S. electricity consumption, 40 percent of U.S. carbon-dioxide (CO2) emissions, and 9 percent of total global CO2 emissions. With research2 showing that more than half of the commercial buildings built prior to 1980 (when energy codes largely did not exist) have yet to undergo any type of energy-related renovation, retrofits represent an enormous opportunity to reduce building energy consumption. [MORE]
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Contact information: Megan White, HPAC Engineering

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