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Fastrack - July 28, 2010

July 29, 2010
Opportunities Abound for Water Technologies

July 28, 2010


Opportunities Abound for Water Technologies
By Jerry Yudelson, PE, MBA, LEED AP; Yudelson Associates; Tucson, Ariz.

Water likely will be the next big environmental crisis in the United States, probably first in the West/Southwest, then extending to rapidly growing metropolitan areas throughout the nation. The crisis likely will come as a result of drought and/or lack of funds for infrastructure upgrades to provide new supply sources. One result of America's growing water shortages likely will be an increased public-policy focus on water conservation, water-efficiency technologies, and on-site water treatment and reuse. This policy focus could offer unprecedented opportunities for mechanical contractors, technology suppliers, and engineering consultants. [MORE]





ASHRAE Seeks Papers for 2011 Annual Conference

Papers addressing advances in alternative technologies and net-zero buildings, as well as HVACR fundamentals and commissioning, are being sought for the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers' (ASHRAE’s) 2011 Annual Conference in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. [MORE]

USGBC Opens Partnership to Current LEED-Certified Buildings

Last summer, the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) announced its Building Performance Partnership (BPP), a program used to engage owners and managers of commercial and residential Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design- (LEED-) certified green buildings, optimizing the performance of buildings through data collection, analysis, and action. Starting this summer, the USGBC has opened the program to all current whole-building LEED-certified commercial and residential projects. BPP will further the efforts to understand how buildings perform from the moment of LEED certification into the future. [MORE]




Industry Professionals Surveyed About Sustainability Plans

An online survey conducted by AlturaSolutions Communications asked facility managers, janitorial and sanitation manufacturers, distributors, and facility service providers their thoughts about becoming more sustainable. Approximately 1,000 e-mail invitations were distributed, and about 100 people completed the survey. [MORE]

International Air-Conditioning Standard Published

The latest edition of International Standard ISO 5151, Non-Ducted Air Conditioners and Heat Pumps—Testing and Rating for Performance, was published in mid-June, replacing the 1994 edition. ISO 5151:2010 specifies the standard conditions for capacity and efficiency ratings of non-ducted air-cooled air conditioners and non-ducted air-to-air heat pumps. It is applicable to ducted units rated at less than 8 kw and intended to operate at an external static pressure of less than 25 Pascal. It also specifies test methods for determining capacity and efficiency ratings. [MORE]

The Trouble With Outdoor Humidity Measurement NEW Vaisala Application Note; Choice of outdoor humidity sensors critical to economical free cooling. Topics covered include: 'What is Wet-bulb temperature', 'Recommended Specifications for Outdoor Humidity Sensor', 'Optimize Free Cooling Systems with Accurate Measurements'. Download the Vaisala Application Note.--Vaisala
BIM 3D CAD files for connectors, valves, joints and more Expansion joints, pump connectors, flow conditioning connectors, valves, compensators, pipe guides, air vents, metraloop expansion joints, v-loop expansion joints and so many more. BIM 3D CAD drawings in different file types, for virtually every product. Create sophisticated engineered piping layouts. Be more competitive. Put BIM 3D CAD drawings into your designs. Go to and take a test drive.--The Metraflex Company
For 35-plus years, Aquatherm has produced the most advanced and environmentally friendly piping systems in the world. Now the Aquatherm Greenpipe®, Climatherm, and Lilac systems are available – and widely code approved – throughout North America. These truly unique polypropylene-random (PP-R) piping systems are formed using a quick and seamless heat fusion welding method, creating joints that last a lifetime. The future of HVAC, plumbing, and industrial piping applications is fusion – Aquatherm. Click here for more info.--Aquatherm Inc.


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