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ASHRAE Seeks Papers for 2011 Annual Conference |
Papers addressing advances in alternative technologies and net-zero buildings, as well as HVACR fundamentals and commissioning, are being sought for the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers' (ASHRAE’s) 2011 Annual Conference in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. [MORE] |
USGBC Opens Partnership to Current LEED-Certified Buildings |
Last summer, the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) announced its Building Performance Partnership (BPP), a program used to engage owners and managers of commercial and residential Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design- (LEED-) certified green buildings, optimizing the performance of buildings through data collection, analysis, and action. Starting this summer, the USGBC has opened the program to all current whole-building LEED-certified commercial and residential projects. BPP will further the efforts to understand how buildings perform from the moment of LEED certification into the future. [MORE] |
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Industry Professionals Surveyed About Sustainability Plans |
An online survey conducted by AlturaSolutions Communications asked facility managers, janitorial and sanitation manufacturers, distributors, and facility service providers their thoughts about becoming more sustainable. Approximately 1,000 e-mail invitations were distributed, and about 100 people completed the survey. [MORE] |
International Air-Conditioning Standard Published |
The latest edition of International Standard ISO 5151, Non-Ducted Air Conditioners and Heat Pumps—Testing and Rating for Performance, was published in mid-June, replacing the 1994 edition. ISO 5151:2010 specifies the standard conditions for capacity and efficiency ratings of non-ducted air-cooled air conditioners and non-ducted air-to-air heat pumps. It is applicable to ducted units rated at less than 8 kw and intended to operate at an external static pressure of less than 25 Pascal. It also specifies test methods for determining capacity and efficiency ratings. [MORE] |
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