Hpac Com Sites Hpac com Files Uploads 2013 03 Aaon Rn Series


March 4, 2013
The latest advances in rooftop heating, air conditioning, and ventilation units.
Variable-speed-compressor option
RN Series packaged rooftop units are available in capacities of 55 to 140 tons. Variable-speed, direct-drive, backward-curved plenum fans provide quiet, energy-efficient airflow at all static-pressure conditions. The addition of variable-frequency-drive-controlled variable-speed compressors results in unit efficiencies of up to 16 IEER. —AAONEnergy-recovery-wheel option
An energy-recovery wheel that recovers approximately 75 percent of energy from an exhaust-air stream is available for Rebel rooftop units. Rebel units without energy recovery achieve integrated energy-efficiency ratios as high as 20.6; the energy-recovery option allows for even greater efficiencies, especially for applications requiring large amounts of ventilation air. —Daikin-McQuayExpanded capacity range
The Atherion commercial packaged ventilation system now has a capacity range of 7.5 to 30 tons with the addition of a B-cabinet model. Atherion units offer optional high-efficiency gas heating and MERV 16 filtration. —ModineHigh-efficiency package units
Available in 7.5-, 10-, 15- and 20-ton sizes, the Prestige Series of commercial package units features MicroChannel coil technology, which uses up to 50-percent less refrigerant than conventional coils. Some models include variable-frequency-drive supply fans, which save energy by reducing airflow by 50 percent during first-stage cooling and fan-only operation. —RheemForty-ton scroll compressor
Designed for rooftop units and chillers that use R-410A refrigerant, the SH485 scroll compressor features an intermediate discharge valve that adapts to varying loads and ambient conditions, optimizing a system throughout the year. As a result, the SH485 offers up to 24-percent higher part-load efficiency in manifold configurations compared with other compressors. —Danfoss Light commercial retrofit unit

The Raider is a light commercial rooftop unit designed built to fit the most popular curb sizes currently in use, virtually eliminating the need for an adaptor curb on many replacement jobs. The units are available in 3- to 5-ton gas/electric, electric/electric and heat pump models with efficiencies of 13.0 seasonal-energy-efficiency ratio and up to 11.4 energy-efficiency ratio. —LennoxPackaged gas/electric unit

The PPG2GI iQ drive gas pack is rated at 20 seasonal-energy-efficiency ratio and 81 percent annual-fuel-utilization efficiency. The packaged system uses inverter technology, allowing it to modulate in cooling mode from 40 to 118 percent of capacity in five steps. It is available in capacities of 2, 3, 4 and 5 tons. —MaytagModels up to 150 tons
The WeatherExpert Series of high-efficiency rooftop units has been expanded to include models up to 150 tons. The WeatherExpert line boasts integrated energy efficiency ratio ratings up to 20.6. All models meet or exceed all current ASHRAE Standard 90.1 energy requirements, with some models exceeding them by more than 70 percent. —CarrierEnthalpic plate heat-exchanger
An enthalpic-plate-heat-exchanger option for VPRC rooftop units provides both sensible and latent energy transfer. Its function is similar to that of a heat wheel, but it is designed to operate with the simplicity and minimal cross-contamination of a plate heat exchanger. The VPRC is available in capacities of 5 to 60 tons and airflows of 1,200 to 14,000 cfm. —ValentRooftop optimizer kit The Digi-RTU optimizer is a control kit designed to improve the energy efficiency of rooftop air-conditioning units. The unit modulates the rooftop unit capacity to match building cooling or heating loads by regulating both the supply air fan and compressor speeds. It is designed for commercial and industrial rooftop HVAC units of between 5 to 30 tons. —BesTech