Liquid Desiccant Dehumidification
The DT-RT 2500/15 is a factory-assembled, single-piece dehumidification and cooling unit that uses a non-toxic, liquid lithium-chloride solution to remove moisture and cool air simultaneously. It is designed to provide precise control of indoor environments by offering independent temperature and humidity control in a single packaged rooftop unit. It is capable of achieving operating costs that are 20 to 40 percent lower than outside-air/high-latent mechanical systems and 30 to 60 percent less than desiccant-wheel systems. The low-maintenance system naturally filters and disinfects air for improved indoor-air quality. It requires no UV lights, drip pans, condensate lines, or coil treatments. —Advantix Systems
Independent temperature and humidity control
The DryCool Standard provides operators the ability to control temperature and humidity independently. DryCool Standard is designed to cost-effectively treat 100-percent makeup air and can work in conjunction with an existing air-conditioning system or energy-recovery ventilator. It controls humidity on an as-needed basis, when levels exceed setpoint. All of the energy required for the operation of the unit’s desiccant dehumidifier is recycled from cooling components. DryCool Standard can process 1,000 to 16,000 cfm of makeup air. —MuntersIndoor Comfort Touchscreen
IAQPoint2 is a customizable touchscreen monitor with the ability to control three indoor-air-quality parameters (carbon dioxide or volatile organic compounds, temperature, and humidity). The unit is designed to boost energy efficiency, fresh-air comfort, and building performance through on-demand ventilation activation with relays triggering fans locally or via a building-automation system. Easy to use, easy to install, and easy to maintain, the unit contributes to LEED accreditation (up to three points), follows green-building best practices, and complies with ASHRAE 62.1, CSA-B52, and the International Building Code. —Honeywell Analytics