Condensing boiler
The Buderus SB Series high-efficiency, high-mass condensing boiler features maximum efficiencies of up to 98 percent and input ranges from 563 to 5,443 MBH. Its design has no restrictions with respect to return-water temperature, water flow, or temperature rise. —BoschUltrahigh-efficiency boilers
Triple-Flex ultrahigh-efficiency condensing flexible-water-tube boilers offer guaranteed minimum thermal efficiency of 90 percent even in worst-case condensing-boiler operating conditions, such as 160°F return water and 180°F supply water at maximum input. Efficiencies of 99 percent are achievable with lower return-water temperatures. —Bryan Steam LLCIntegrated boiler system
The CBEX Elite firetube boiler featuring EX technology is a completely integrated boiler, burner, control, and heat-recovery system. It is available in sizes from 100 to 1,200 hp, steam or hot water, and is designed to achieve the highest fuel efficiency and lowest emissions of any fire-tube system. —Cleaver-BrooksFerrous-oxide filter
BoilerMag XL is a high-performance filter that removes potentially damaging ferrous oxide from heating systems. It is designed for 1½-in. connections and up to 6-bar operating pressures. It features a patented magnetic circuit, ensuring almost 100-percent removal of ferrous contamination and a fine-mesh filter that prevents non-magnetic scale from circulating. —Eclipse MagneticsBoiler-status monitor
The NXTSD407/413 touchscreen display is the latest addition to the Nexus product family of boiler controls. It is offered in both a 7-in. and 13.3-in. color touchscreen display with LED backlight and includes intuitive menu screens to facilitate easy navigation and shorter setup time. The displays interface with the PPC4000 parallel-positioning controller using the Modbus protocol. It can display the status of up to six boilers simultaneously. —FireyeLow-emissions burner
The MTH series of burners includes full modulation with parallel positioning. It is available in natural-gas and propane models from 2.5 to 16.0 MMBtuh. It is capable of low-NOx/CO emissions without flue-gas recirculation (FGR), making it well-suited for boiler or process-heating applications where low emissions are required and FGR is impractical or inaccessible. —Industrial CombustionBoiler-reset control
FuelMizer is a boiler-reset control and switching relay in one unit. The microprocessor-based control is designed to regulate the supply-water temperature of a single boiler based on outdoor temperature. Functions include automatic reset, ratio calculation, warm-weather shutdown, and minimum boiler-temperature and boiler-differential settings. It monitors both a boiler and a system’s outdoor sensors. —TacoNear-condensing boiler
The Atlas Triton Series near-condensing boiler features a compact, modular design, advanced controls, low emissions, full modulation, and thermal efficiencies of up to 86 percent. It is designed to offer simple and convenient start-up, operation, and serviceability. —Ajax Boiler Inc.