ASHRAE recently announced the publication of ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 202-2013, Commissioning Process for Buildings and Systems, its first standard focused on the commissioning process.
Standard 202 identifies the minimum acceptable commissioning process for buildings and systems. It applies to all construction projects and systems.
The standard defines the commissioning process through 13 functional steps:
• Definition of roles and responsibilities.
• Definition of project requirements and preparation of owner's-project-requirements (OPR) document.
• Development of written commissioning plan.
• Definition of the basis of design.
• Determination of contractor commissioning requirements.
• Performance of design review by the commissioning authority.
• Review of submittals to verify compliance with the OPR.
• Observation and testing of system performance and documentation of results.
• Resolution of issues.
• Assembly of systems manual for building operation.
• Training of building operators.
• Post-occupancy operation commissioning.
• Assembly of commissioning report.
The cost of ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 202-2013 is $61 for ASHRAE members and $72 for non-members. Copies can be ordered by phone at 800-527-4723 (United States and Canada) or 404-636-8400, by fax at 678-539-2129, or online at