Proposed ASHRAE Standard 214P, Standard for Determining and Expressing Building Energy Performance in a Rating Program, is open for public comment until Sept. 19.
Standard 214P provides a standardized approach for determining and expressing building energy performance in a rating program and standardizes the content of a label associated with the energy component of a rating program. Also, it establishes minimum requirements for rating-program documentation.
There are a number of building rating systems yielding varying results, Wayne Stoppelmoor, chair of the Standard 214P committee, said. The proposed standard is intended to provide uniformity in the building-energy-labeling and disclosure process.
In August, the standard underwent a public advisory review that resulted in 40 comments. One of the changes made as a result was the revision of the title, purpose, and scope to better reflect the content of the standard. Other major changes to the standard include:
- Revision to allow a rating program to define its methodology sampling rate.
- Addition of two means for an assessor to demonstrate competence.
- Addition of a code of conduct.
For more information and to comment, go to