Things You Never Want to Hear a Facility Manager Say

July 6, 2016
For those needing a good laugh (or cry), Tim Cool recently published “30 Things You Do Not Want to Hear From Your Facility Manager.” Here is a sampling.

For those needing a good laugh (or cry), Tim Cool, chief solutions officer and project facilitator for Cool Solutions Group, a Charlotte, N.C.-based company that assists churches, Christian schools, and ministries with the planning, development, building, and management of facilities, recently published “30 Things You Do Not Want to Hear From Your Facility Manager.” Here is a sampling. For the full list, click here.



More Things You Never Want to Hear a Facility Manager Say

July 13, 2016
Last week, we brought to you nine things you never want to hear a facility manager say, courtesy of Tim Cool of Cool Solutions Group. Here are 10 more.
Illustration by Ashley Ribblett
Johnny Tundra Issue 07 Promo

Adventures of Johnny Tundra, Cold-Weather Engineer: 'High-Head Chiller Trip'

June 15, 2016
It is back to school for Johnny Tundra, who returns to Rosebud County Vo-Tech. A chiller keeps tripping offline on high head pressure. How can the chiller have any load on it ...
Illustration by Ashley Ribblett
Johnny Tundra Issue 06 Promo

Adventures of Johnny Tundra, Cold-Weather Engineer: 'No Delay'

May 10, 2016
Early one January morning in northeast Montana, where even moderate winter conditions result in wind chills of 50 below, Twitch Griswold, facilities manager for the U.S. Customs...
Illustration by Ashley Ribblett
Johnny Tundra Issue 05 Promo

Adventures of Johnny Tundra, Cold-Weather Engineer: 'Foundering Furnaces'

March 9, 2016
Amid sub-zero temperatures and 80-mph winds, two of four furnaces serving the State Lands headquarters continually are tripping off. Could the problem be ice crystals in the fuel...