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Tesla Powerwalls + Solar Panels sent to Puerto Rico

Oct. 3, 2017
In a makeshift emergency move that may become permanent, solar energy giant Tesla is sending hundreds of its Powerwall battery systems to devastated Puerto Rico, to be paired with solar panels. CleanTechnica's Cynthia Shahan reports.

Puerto Rico has been ravaged and is facing significant loss of human life and harm to human life, among other things. Lack of drinking water, dehydration, food scarcity, and so many other problems are facing the Americans living there. The electric power grid in Puerto Rico is gone.

In a humanitarian effort to help the devastated and threatened population, one of the companies stepping in to help is Tesla.

Bloomberg reports that Tesla is sending hundreds of its Powerwall battery systems to be paired with solar panels. The joint systems will help the battered island territory restore electric power. The company said that some of the systems are already there. Others are on the way.

Time is of the essence, and Puerto Rico has needed more aid than it has gotten. Bloomberg continues: “The company has employees on the ground to install them and is working with local organizations to identify locations.” In case you haven’t been paying close attention, the island is still largely without electricity.

It is difficult to underestimate the suffering. I spoke with a person today who was in Miami for Andrew in 1992. Andrew was an immense and also devastating storm. She said that while the news was reporting 20 dead, she had a friend working in law enforcement who was handling body bags for far more than that.

Mia Farrow’s Twitter highlights the BBC’s report that 55% of people are without drinking water, up from 44% the past four days.

Thanks to Tesla for the help getting people some electricity. I do hope the water is being dropped in by the US National Guard soon.


The author, Cynthia Shahan, is a regular contributor to CleanTechnica, a global news and analysis website focused on all things clean energy.

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