Vienna, VA – January 18, 2023 – The 16th annual International BIOMASS Conference & Expo will take place February 28 - March 2, 2023, at the Cobb Galleria Centre in Atlanta, GA. This dynamic event unites industry professionals from all sectors of the world’s interconnected biomass utilization industries—biobased power, thermal energy, fuels and chemicals.
The Biomass Conference will bring together current and future producers of bioenergy and biobased products together with waste generators, energy crop growers, municipal leaders, utility executives, technology providers, equipment manufacturers, project developers, investors and policymakers. It’s a true one-stop shop – the world’s premier educational and networking junction for all biomass industries.
This year, ABMA has partnered with the BIOMASS Conference to host and moderate boiler panels in the Biomass Power & Thermal track, which will consist of multiple ABMA members as panelists.
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1, 2023, 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm
Considerations for Boiler Optimization When Burning Biomass Fuels
Moderator: Scott Lynch, American Boiler Manufacturers Association.Rich Clasby, Detroit Stoker Company-Fuel Distribution Upgrades for Biomass-Fired BoilersBob Langstine, Zeeco, Inc.-Practical Considerations for Aux Fuel Burners on Biomass BoilersJim Monette, Nooter/Eriksen.Inc-Boiler Design Considerations for Solid Fuel TypesDoug Jones, New York Blower Company-Centrifugal Fan Selection for Biomass BoilersWEDNESDAY, MARCH 1, 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm
Considerations for Boiler Optimization When Burning Biomass Fuels II
Moderator: Shaunica Jayson, American Boiler Manufacturers Association.Dustin Divinia, Vector Systems-Avoiding Downtime with an Environmental CatalystJacob Halasowski, AMETEK Land-Temperature Measurements For Boiler OptimizationRavi Jethra, WIKA-Effect of Operating Parameters On Boilers Tube Skin Temperature Measurement Accuracy & The development of new improved Tube Skin ThermocoupleEd Verderose, Miura America Company-Biogas Quality for Burners and BoilersTo learn more about the International BIOMASS Conference and Expo, click here. To see the Agenda click here.