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ASPE Awards Honor Chapters, Contributing Members

Oct. 2, 2023
Gathered in the Pacific Northwest, national plumbing engineers group recognized its own amid backdrop of technology symposium.


BELLEVUE, WA, September 30, 2023  At the 2023 ASPE Tech Symposium Awards Luncheon Saturday, the American Society of Plumbing Engineers recognized numerous local Chapters and members for their accomplishments during the 2022–2023 year.

The most critical element of ASPE, the one that makes the Society grow and prosper, is our local Chapters—and through the Chapters the membership. This year, Chapters were honored for their successful membership recruitment and retention efforts, as well as their extraordinary contributions made on behalf of the Society. Individual members also were recognized for their volunteerism in multiple leadership positions.

Membership Growth Award

The Membership Growth Award is given annually in two categories — to Chapters with members up to 99 (as of the start of the year) and to Chapters with more than 100 members—and is made to the three Chapters in each category with the highest percentage growth.

  • Chapters with 99 or less members: Rochester, Hampton Roads, Raleigh;
  • Chapter with 100 or more members: Central Texas, New Jersey, New York City, South Florida, Southwestern Ohio, Toronto (More awards were given this year due to ties.)

Membership Retention Award

The Retention Award is presented annually and is given to those Chapters that attain 90 percent or greater membership retention.

  • Region 1: Boston, Hampton Roads, Philadelphia, Virginia Blue Ridge;
  • Region 2: Johnstown, Rochester, Toronto;
  • Region 3: Charlotte, Columbia, Memphis, Nashville, Raleigh;
  • Region 5: Central Illinois, Omaha.

Chapter Award of Merit

ASPE’s annual Chapter Award of Merit is presented to recognize extraordinary contributions made by the Chapters on behalf of the Society.

  • Region 1: Baltimore, Boston, Capital Region NY, Hampton Roads, Montreal, New York City, Philadelphia, Washington, DC;
  • Region 2: Central Indiana, Central Ohio, Cleveland, Eastern Michigan, Johnstown, Southwestern Ohio, Western Michigan;
  • Region 3: Alabama, Atlanta, Columbia, West Coast Florida;
  • Region 4: Los Angeles, Phoenix, San Diego, San Francisco;
  • Region 5: Arkansas, Central Texas, Chicago, Houston, Kansas City, Minnesota, Oklahoma, Omaha, St. Louis, Wisconsin.

Education Fund Contributors

  • Region 1: Boston, Montreal, New York City;
  • Region 2: Johnstown, Southwestern Ohio;
  • Region 3: Columbia;
  • Region 5: Arkansas, Central Texas, Chicago, Oklahoma, St. Louis.

Education & Research Foundation Contributors

  • Region 1: Boston, Hampton Roads, Montreal, New York City;
  • Region 2: Eastern Michigan, Johnstown;
  • Region 3: Columbia;
  • Region 5: Arkansas, Central Illinois, Central Texas, Chicago, Oklahoma, Omaha.

Coin of Appreciation Recipients

  • Region 1: Jeffrey Beeden, PE; John Callahan, CPD, GPD; Chris Curran, CPD; Marc Olivier de Tilly, P.Eng, LEED AP; Robb Risani, PE, CPD, LEED AP; Charles Swope, PE, CPD, LEED AP; Marc Luther Thevenin, CPD, MCPPO;
  • Region 2: Thomas Kingshott, CPD, GPD; Richard Lewis; Avi Moscovich, PE, P.Eng, LEED AP; Joshua Pedraja; Nicolas Romero, CPDT, EIT; Kevin Wong;
  • Region 3: Esther Arrascaeta; Joseph Bertino, CPD, EIT, LEED AP; Brian Conner; Julie Hadfield, CPD; Aaron Siegel;
  • Region 4: Joseph Cheung, P.Eng; James Dipping, PE, CPD, GPD, LEED AP; Artin Haroutunian, CPD; Gary Klein; Lavanya Muttayan, PE, CPD, LEED AP;
  • Region 5: Lyn Adair; Aaron Bock, PE, CPD, GPD, LEED AP; Pamela Dunlap, PE; Scott Jagodzinski, CPD, GPD; Ryan Koenig, CPD; Brett McQueen, CPD; Frank Sanchez, CPD, GPD, LEED AP; Mitchell Spillman, CPDT; Tyler Watson, CPD; Joseph Wroblewski, CPD.

Congratulations to all of our Chapters and members for their accomplishments!
