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Replacement for Logic One Controllers

Oct. 5, 2011
The TL1 is a network device that utilizes Niagara AX software to allow a Novar Logic One system to interface, communicate, and integrate with a Trend system.

The TL1 is a network device that utilizes Niagara AX software to allow a Novar Logic One system to interface, communicate, and integrate with a Trend system. The TL1 replaces the Logic One executives located within a building. This functionality allows for communication and data to flow between Logic One devices and a Trend system, providing a supervisor to control the Logic One controllers. Novar Logic One executive controllers are discontinued in the commercial market. The TL1 can replace existing Logic One executives throughout a building thereby extending the life of the Logic One system, and allowing a smooth migration path to a new and updated Trend system. —Trend Control Systems