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Modular Building Institute
Ventilation Rate Sensors for IAQ-primary

Long-Life Wireless Sensors

Feb. 1, 2012
The WSN-1101 Lifetime Power wirelesss sensor features a pre-installed, long-life, non-replaceable battery that allows the unit to transmit data once per minute for more than 25 years without maintenance.

The WSN-1101 Lifetime Power wirelesss sensor features a pre-installed, long-life, non-replaceable battery that allows the unit to transmit data once per minute for more than 25 years without maintenance. It can alternatively be configured with replaceable lithium batteries to provide 15 years of battery life. It provides remote sensing for building automation, HVAC and lighting control, energy management, industrial monitoring, and medical compliance. The WSN-1102 wireless carbon-dioxide sensor can operate on batteries for three to 15 years depending on user-selected data transmission intervals of from one to five minutes. The WSN-1101 and WSN-1102 communicate to Powercast's WSG-101 wireless gateway. The WSG-101 gateway supports up to 100 sensor nodes and 800 sensor points, and interfaces to wired Building Automation System (BAS) networks via industry-standard protocols, including BACnet, Modbus, Metasys N2, LonWorks, XML, and SNMP. —Powercast Corp.