Burner controls
The GeniSys Advanced Burner Control is a 120-vac primary safety control for light-commercial oil burners in boiler, furnace, and water-heater applications. It has three diagnostic lights, welded relay protection with redundant motor relays, limited reset, and limited recycle. The control also offers a technician's pump priming mode, cad-cell-resistance indicator, and disable function.
— Beckett
Circle 110
Electrode boilers
The CEJS Series high-voltage electrode boiler utilizes water's conductive and resistive properties to carry electric currents and generate steam. Electrodes are mounted vertically inside of the pressure vessel, enabling it to produce maximum amounts of steam with minimal floor space.
— Cleaver-Brooks
Circle 111
Progressing cavity pumps
The Moyno 2000 progressing cavity pump performs in multifuel or dual-fuel applications for burner feed, boilers, heaters, dryers, and furnaces with the ability to handle abrasive materials with a high percentage of solids, flow rates up to 4,500 gpm, and pressures up to 1,500 psi.
— Moyno Inc.
Circle 112
Send new-equipment, literature, and digital-media announcements for future Applications & Resources sections on boilers, BAS/controls, motors and drives, pumps, and ventilation to Associate Editor Megan White at [email protected]. Indicate in the subject line of the e-mail message the intended section.